Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] him [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So when I saw James ( true story this ) in Sainsbury 's , I walked up to him , leered , banged him on the elbow with a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice and said , ‘ Tom Jones ! ’ because the last time I meet him was on the Tom Jones TV programme .
2 I remember him being in a pub a while back and a woman saying to him , What 's your wife going to do ?
3 He just is , just totally different to what I remember him being like .
4 Confucius or Conrad or whatever you call him was on the doorstep .
5 And er he went round and I do n't know I never heard him playing the fiddle , but they said he was very good at fiddling , but he was a grand one for old stories , , and er he was just doing farms here and there so Then eventually he turned so old he 'd only one dog and then er he died down at the D At a place called the Doonie And this man D Duncan , he had just an er one of the er I think one of the tramps from Blair Gowrie was working to him and he came up and told my father and my father went down to see about him , you see him being in the parish council .
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