Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] what is [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I mean what is what 's the point in a , in a drive that 'll rig one point two but not three sixty ?
2 I mean what is your criterion ?
3 and erm I just think that women are so strong and , and another thing that I find er that is very important , is perhaps there 's women here we should look at why there 's only one female prison in Scotland and about fourteen male lot and including young offenders institutions and er , I mean what is it we are as agenda er just less criminally minded , more controlled , more clever , what , you know we should be teaching men .
4 The longer you throw , the more , good boy , it 's so well hidden in the leaves , it 's exactly the same colour that 's the trouble this time of year , but no , life is a funny thing , and I find it personally very hard to believe that only two months ago , I mean what is it nine weeks ago , and I suddenly had an enormous view
5 I mean what is it ?
6 If somebody says you do n't wan na be rushed , right , that 's what you 've got ta say to them that 's just what that old dear was saying the other day , right you certainly understand that , right , you agree with them , first thing you do you always agree with them , right and then you 've just got the same sequence as I want to think about it , but just sort of make it clear , I mean what is it they actually , you know , frightened of being rushed into ?
7 he said you know what is it and I showed him a piece like , he said oh I he said yes , I said I 've taken the nails out that I did n't see , he said oh I 've got a metal detector here
8 I do that but curtain across the window in case you get what is it .
9 Erm you have what is it ?
10 We know what is what . ’
11 We know what is what . ’
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