Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] been [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think that as professional drivers we would all w look at that and s and see that Er I mean been out with very many lorry drivers and er that is the way that I 've sort of been with the majority of the guys that I 've been in .
2 I 've been up to my eyes in mannequins and haute couture . ’
3 Then he admitted as he shovelled manure at a tree-planting ceremoney in his Huntingdon constituency : ‘ It occurs to me I 've been up to my neck in this stuff for the last month . ’
4 I 've been up to my ears , ’ he says .
5 Well the , the er the Guilds I can speak now because I 've been up to a higher level , I 've been on the section and Birmingham is a very big area .
6 What that basically means , wherever that happens anywhere else in the country , you go to South Wales , you go to West Lothian , places like that I 've been up to West Lothian , all services are reduced when your main industry 's removed from an area .
7 I 've been up to church .
8 See she , she came around cos erm I 've been up to her , her friends place to and give him a bit of a telling off like and that and erm she came to John 's house and I said , why are calling ?
9 I 've been up for the past three hours , ’ he said , looking me up and down rather coldly .
10 I 've been up for a bath and we 've been looking at the room I shall occupy .
11 ‘ It 's not that early — I 've been up for ages , and I 'm leaving in a few minutes .
12 Yeah , you 're gon na have one in a minute I 've been up for ages !
13 No , I 've been up for an hour !
14 I 've been up since the crack of dawn . ’
15 I 've been up since six . ’
16 I 've been up since half past seven .
17 I 've been up since quarter to five .
18 No , he 'll be out went out at ten to seven but over a sort of I 've been up since seven , I 've not really sat down all day .
19 you see , so yeah and er we used to have as I say er , well for instance I 've been up in the office .
20 And I 've been up till , I 've been paining me all night Doctor ,
21 No , no I 've never been down and er they 've always been full of water whenever I 've been up around there .
22 Since I 've been over in England I 've bought a lot of clothes that I 'd probably never even consider wearing in Australia .
23 Well I , I 've been on to world wom women 's committee and they assure me that they , the hospital says these tests should come through in a week , at the most three week 's , but you can phone them , so that certainly has improved , there does n't seem to be a back log .
24 I 've been on to the P.L.A .
25 I 've been on to this morning , asked me to and they have got thirty palettes there at the moment .
26 I 've been on to Di this long time and have one like that , then you can and put down so you can have more room , you know , when you put it out .
27 I 've been on at my husband to get a fitted carpet in this room because this lino drives me mad .
28 I said three flights that I 've been on in the last fortnight .
29 That 's right , I 've , I 've been through over the year 's I 've been doing this and they say , whether it 's because they know if the background at the er vets , the private vets there , you know I do n't know , but the information I get from them , that there 'd a , there not prepared to over .
30 ‘ No one knows what I 've been through in the last 12 months , ’ he said .
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