Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] at [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly the request of staff then could turn into of the panel erm but but I think at the same time if people want to look at the structure so that they have a complete view of the structural organisation
2 I have at the same time suggested that Benjamin 's own aesthetics were very much a postmodernist aesthetics .
3 When you look at , when you look at the some , all these , a lot of these composers and artists who died long ago and you look the birth range there 's a hell of a lot at seventy five , seventy six
4 But , supposing we look at the same material from the standpoint of , say the authors of the Upanishads , with whom as a matter of fact I happen to agree .
5 Then we move at the same time .
6 It 's back to school soon , so we bought a light-up world globe ( Woolworths sale £9.99 ) which reminded me we live at the same latitude as parts of Norway , Siberia , Labrador and Alaska .
7 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
8 If they sit at the same or adjacent desks they have a spatial bond .
9 If they sit at the same or adjacent desks they have a spatial bond .
10 In other words , they appear at the same time at widely separated localities .
11 They vibrate at the same level .
12 They slip and slide against each other — somewhat ponderously , since they proceed at no more than a foot a year and sometimes a great deal less .
13 He says safety is paramount you have to make sure the balloons are at the same temperatures and that they keep at the same height .
14 The proper word is , come from a very long word , a real mouthful , phenylketonuria , known as P K U for short P U , and Mr Guffbry developed this test specifically to diagnose this condition , but in nineteen ninety two there are other conditions which they diagnose at the same time with the same blood test , do you know what they are ?
15 The main characteristic of rejuvenation terraces and breaks of slope in the valley side caused by the same process is that the terraces are essentially paired , so that they occur at the same elevation on both sides of the valley .
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