Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] are [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 If you want to carry the smallest possible quantity of water or get the best possible price in the market , the judgements you make are important in a way those made in a water tray or school shop can never be .
2 The people you meet are all in VR themselves — the meeting is in VR , so is the band , so is the audience .
3 It is where you face jobs which you know are important in organization terms and which , though not your responsibility , will apparently not get done unless you act .
4 It 's only a rough guide , so , after reading the definition of each category , look also at those abilities which you feel are strongest in you .
5 ‘ Can you give me a list of the employees you think are involved in the diversion ? ’
6 We now attempt to produce a taxonomy of some variables of program design and use which we believe are important in creating effective curriculum material .
7 The success of such tasks as activators of language use for learning will depend on the extent to which they engage the learner in conceptual and communicative activities which they feel are worthwhile in their own right ( see Prabhu 1987 ) .
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