Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] it [prep] my " in BNC.

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1 Such an initiative would complement the United Nations arms register called for by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister , and such an international responsibility is one that I believe Japan would willingly accept , which is why I commend it to my right hon. and hon. Friends .
2 He brings out my package wrapped in brown paper , and I slip it into my carrier with my clean linen .
3 The glass ball 's pretty warm now and I press it to my cheek and sort of roll it against my skin .
4 Er say I place it on my hand .
5 I want it for my guitar !
6 I want it for my two
7 I put it into my wallet , and my wallet was snatched . ’
8 I put it on my stomach .
9 And I put it on my ghetto blaster yeah , me and Nicky listened to it yeah , and it comes out wicked .
10 ‘ No , I 'm sure I put it in my apron pocket , but I ca n't have done .
11 I put it in my greenhouse and stood seedtrays on it .
12 I carried mine , then I put it in my pocket and further along the route I gave it to someone in the crowd . ’
13 A sentence in the loser 's statement to the effect that ‘ the last time I saw my watch was when I put it in my locker at work ’ or ‘ I placed my purse in my shopping basket ’ shows that he had possession or control of the property ,
14 I put it in my mouth and swallowed it .
15 They use a lot yeah the ch I put it in my I mean , I said yesterday to him , we 've got the decorators in and then co they turned round and said he is meant to be a businessman and they said he can not believe they 've never met tha such a penny pinching guy
16 Otherwise it 's a slip switch so if you put it in , if I put it in my bag and it switches on and someone else so the the batteries will waste .
17 I took this out last night Jeff , right , and er , I put it in my pocket and I put , put the mike , strap the mike to it , it 's gone
18 I said we 've got ta be home before Michelle cos I had the key , for some reason I put it in my pocket
19 I put it in my
20 I got my nose pressed against the glass and it keeps steaming up with my huff , so I wipe it with my fingers .
21 I give it to my husband so that I ca n't sell it if money gets low ’ .
22 I give it to my husband so that I ca n't sell it if money gets low ’ .
23 ‘ I ca n't bear it if I give it to my children . ’
24 I watch it from my seat in the New York as well , which is down below to the right ; I can see the top of its maroon awning .
25 I know it with my own missus .
26 And I get it on my forehead , down here
27 I survey it from my bedroom window and everywhere it is quite at home .
28 If I get it wrong , I feel it with my whole body .
29 I feel it with my mandibles —
30 Once with you , you would not get rid of her easily , I feel it in my bones .
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