Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] it [prep] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 If I ca n't manage it in a quiet room , or a temporary study , I impose it on everyone at least for a short time .
2 ‘ Although when I approach a part I link it to someone I 've observed in real life , with drawing this observation is a much closer examination .
3 I sweep it to nothing with my foot , guiltily .
4 ‘ No , no , no , I need it for something special . ’
5 I need it like nothing else-more than food , drink , art , everything .
6 The sad part is that I 've come to hate my body so much , I blame it for everything , and now I ca n't let anyone get close to me , to reassure me . ’
7 Now that 's probably er one of the least well-defined areas for standards , and I mean if you say Edifact to er a North American user they 'll look a bit puzzled , if you say it to somebody who knows something about Edifact they 'll say , Which Edifact standard is that ?
8 I do n't know what you put it in somebody else 's pocket for , you 've got pockets of your own .
9 If you write a spreadsheet for somebody else , you might be using a sixty six megahertz four eight six duel processor erm , spaceship , and , somebody is using a steam driven I B M A T or something , and it runs quite acceptably on your machine , a reasonable speed , and you give it to somebody else on that steam driven thing , and it takes ages to do anything , and er , you press a button and they wait half an hour sort of thing .
10 We think that the er residents of a new settlement will still look to York as the natural centre for employment , for er provision of most employment , retailing and entertainment , and if you compare it with something like er Easingwold , erm which is of a similar size , erm this has achieved a degree a degree of self containment and balance , but this has occurred through erm a long period of development and a gradual growth of erm social linkages and economic linkages , however , even with such erm a gradual growth erm it 's not got a high degree of self containment , erm recent developments in er transport and changes in lifestyle have reduced this even further , and it 's difficult to believe that er a proposal , such as a new settlement er which is explicitly intended to cater for the development needs of York , located only ten miles from York can achieve the same level of self containment .
11 I raised £18 and I 've since raised £4,000 , but that 's nothing really when you compare it with someone 's life .
12 If you get a match and you strike it on something else it would still
13 Now that would do , that would do whether the , whether the knuckles were hurt or it was just a minor cut in the palm of the hand there , that would do and you can use the same type of bandage on the foot alright , so that 's if the hand was damaged , now supposing we did n't have the hand damaged , but we had instead a cut up here , okay , again clean it and if you clean it with lots of water always remember to dry off around the wound because bugs love a moist skin to grow in , dry the wound before you apply the dressing okay if you can , dry it off the best you can and then you 're going to place that over the cut , remember you want the pad to be long enough , big enough , okay , now she can hold this for you again , she can hold it above where the wound is and now when you bandage this one you always bandage from the narrow part to the fat part of the limb , you always bandage from the narrow to the fat , so you take the bandage down
14 You might be able to have half a bicycle if you share it with somebody else , but there is not way of having a thirtieth of a bicycles .
15 but if you leave it to somebody else well you never done .
16 If you do it for one you do it for everybody .
17 If you do it for one you do it for everybody .
18 Well of course you see when you , when you reason it through lots of these people , they have n't got washing machines , they have n't got drying facilities
19 Yeah , oh yeah , that 's gon na look good that when we , when we get it to something like
20 It 's er , it 's not , it 's just one of the most undervalued words in the English language , we use it for everything but in this context we 've got ta see it clothed wi with dignity and all the glory that it deserves , God loved her !
21 But we use it in everything but particularly
22 Obviously interpreted your er But I think we 'll have to work towards that and I I agree Sue I think there 's two ways either saying , you know , we don we do it for everything , or
23 They make it in lots of places .
24 They want it for nothing or or
25 I quickly realised that that 's not the case at all , they do it to everybody .
26 They do it to everyone . ’
27 They do it to everyone . ’
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