Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] that they do " in BNC.

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1 I have seen the results that he has achieved on fishing , and I am disgusted by them — I hope that they do not set a precedent .
2 I know that they do have computer science courses at both O level and A level , do you think these will be the basis of the future courses , or are we looking for an entirely new development , something quite new and quite different , that stands as a subject in his own right ?
3 I have n't seen the draft guidelines that came out yesterday for the registration of nursing homes but I understand that they do n't actually address these issues .
4 The old chestnut of fire safety came up again and I understand that they do talk about treatment standards but I do n't know what they say about them .
5 I understand that they do n't pay any television licences at all .
6 These ideas are plausible as far as they go , but I find that they do not begin to square up to the formidable challenge of explaining culture , cultural evolution , and the immense differences between human cultures around the world , from the utter selfishness of the Ik of Uganda , as described by Colin Turnbull , to the gentle altruism of Margaret Mead 's Arapesh .
7 I feel that they did an excellent job
8 ‘ One day I return to these people , and this time I ask that they do a favour for me .
9 I said to Paddy I think that they do that John will owe , owe them some money cos he 'll owe them tax from all the doles .
10 It 's just that I think that they do n't publicize a lot of the services as well as they might do .
11 It goes back to the short term thing , you fear that they do n't do it as well .
12 You know that they did improve
13 You will have to be ruthless if you find that they do n't press successfully , and either move them to another site in the garden , or give them to someone else .
14 If we say that they do have something in common with other things that look white we must remember that their having something in common simply is their looking white .
15 We know that they did not see Jungle Book and Popeye was the supporting item for Peter Pan .
16 As soon as we turn our attention to the source of police errors we find that they do not , in the main , spring from malpractice , ill will or even slackness , as is sometimes supposed .
17 We find that they do n't have self-control .
18 They say that they do n't understand why the police had to be so heavy handed .
19 I think er on the er the walls , bringing the people in , is , if they understand that they do not believe er or that that within their heart , then that 's the difficulty that 's the sort of bridge we 've got to get over .
20 But even now , having gone through that process , they would not see men as the enemy , they feel that they do have a lot in common , for example , with maybe the conception of women organising in National Liberation struggles that was mentioned earlier .
21 Although they are cross with themselves for being so soft , in the end they discover that they did the right thing because it is Gollum who shows them the way to Mount Doom , and Gollum who finally disposes of the Ring .
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