Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] that i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In discussions with Bohr in September 1926 Schrödinger said " If we are going to stick to this damn quantum-jumping , then I regret that I ever had anything to do with quantum theory " .
2 Being a mere composite from charnel houses , I fear that I alone undergo this sorrow behind the eyebrows .
3 First you find out that she 's dead ; then , a while later , I say that I never killed a single patient .
4 I recall that I generously made no charge for the time involved in this interview !
5 I confess that I literally gasped with disbelief when I heard him calmly announce his determination to get rid of the poll tax at the first possible opportunity .
6 I confess that I sometimes wonder whether the thought of Europe as a whole is in some people 's minds , particularly when we discuss our friends in the Community and their actions .
7 I could never visit Kyle of Lochalsh without feeling an impelling urge to go across to Skye , and now , in writing this book , which was originally intended to be about the mainland only , I find that I simply can not pass the island by without a further look at its highlight , the Black Cuillin .
8 Personally , I find that I sometimes get new ideas while I am engaged in activities that have nothing to do with my research at all , such as gardening , painting in the house , or even shaving when I get up in the morning .
9 I suppose that I really put two and two together when reading a ( non aquatic ) book on the rain forest , which mentioned that the Rio Negro in Brazil was dark , due to a weak tea effect as the water percolated first through the vegetation and then through the sandy subsoil ( as opposed to clay subsoils elsewhere in the Amazon basin ) .
10 I feel that I really ought to spend six minutes answering the kind of letter that begins : ‘ I used to be at your prep school .
11 ‘ Sometimes I feel that I never want to see it again . ’
12 But now I feel that I actually have the ability . ’
13 Apart from the ( very ) occasional disagreement with the teachers I think that I quite like school as I am here for my own benefit .
14 I think that I still felt rather disorientated .
15 I admit that I once cared a hell of a lot about my appearance , but I 've changed . ’
16 No you say that I once got off with someone for some cigarettes , I never felt so awful .
17 You know that I nearly broke my word to you about drinking just now , McAllister . ’
18 You know that I always keep my word . ’
19 ‘ Perhaps you believe that I too have ridden that carousel to excess ? ’
20 I hope you feel that I always let you follow yours , because , darling , your opinion on things affecting you and me , or either of us , I think important above all … you 're a bright star to march upon , and I 'm setting a steady pace .
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