Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] i [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 So I 've got a number , I mean I started with , had had about fifteen , we 've now got about ninety six .
2 Mainly from my my M F I experience as a retail salesman I mean I dealt with contractors erm that for instance you know did up did up complete complexes bought loads of kitchens and bedrooms and that type of thing let er letting companies
3 I know I mean I stayed with him but I had three kids .
4 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
5 I hope I deal with that matter today by taking this step .
6 I , I know I agree with the committee but on the year we have actually made money , is that right ?
7 ‘ Well , I guess I agree with the committee 's original view that we should not put any major new investment in the UK , ’ Klepner replied , knowing full well that this line would be supported by Mueller and most of the Americans around the table .
8 Erm and I think I go with them o on these lines .
9 And I think I responded with something like ‘ I think we 're trying to share a hell of a burden with you . ’
10 I think I do with this .
11 Well er going back to when I started serving my time as an apprentice er I think I started with eleven shillings and I was there for about nine months when the manager come over and says to me he had been paying me short .
12 ‘ Then , to my amazement , he said , ‘ You know , I think I agree with you .
13 In fact it 's a perfectly possible arrangement , I think I agree with him , others have managed it , why not us .
14 I think I agree with the gentleman over there I think the youth of this particular town who on average spends somewhere in the region of fifteen and twenty pounds a week going to Highwire and going to pubs erm you need the attraction to the theatre .
15 I think I agree with you , ’ said Lydia after a further half a minute .
16 I think once you 've refined the area of search and I think I agree with Mr on this , there are two or three key criteria .
17 ‘ Yes , I think I agree with you .
18 Yes , I think I agree with everything that Elizabeth said , and I think this is why erm one of the things I very much feel is that it has to start with the schools , as well as at home , of course , when children are young .
19 ‘ Isambard would hardly make him privy to what he 's done , if this is indeed his work , as I swear I believe with all my soul it is , ’ said Owen .
20 But he he 'd got a little mission er on the side of the at , , I 've I went with him so I saw it .
21 I wish I agreed with you .
22 ‘ Or if there is an emergency , you want me to deal with it while you go and swoon over that dandy Miguel ? ’
23 ‘ And you want me to go with you ?
24 Right again past Wise Crack are four short routes : Featuristic ( F7a ) , What do You Want Me To Do With It ( F7a+ ) , Do n't Matter Just Bite It ( F7a+ ) and Erotic Nightmare ( F7b+ ) .
25 You want me to come with you ? ’
26 Unless you want me to help with the washing-up ? ’
27 The night I ca n't remember , the night you say I quarrelled with you and walked away . ’
28 I I you know I cope with them alright , I I I as you can see Doctor how many prescribed .
29 Well that 's something we would obviously have to sort of , I mean maybe it 's something where you know I mean with the
30 Well you know I agree with ya and I think I think
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