Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [pron] [verb] your " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I mean you put your finger on an important problem here that we need to discuss and that is that if you concentrate on human beings in general , and this is true on our own society but I , I think it 's true of just about all societies and it 's emphatically true of primal hunting adult societies then men do make a lot of parental investment do n't they ?
2 Well I mean , everybody goes to Robert does their off shore survival which takes you into helicopter survival and l launching lifeboats off the platform and life rafts ev and er that done I mean you get your certificates and what not for that and everybody is to get refresher courses every two or three years , I 'm not really sure which .
3 Yeah I mean you want your car
4 If you have them you know I mean I ca n't see , I mean you wear your trousers baggyish and long .
5 It 's a game of chance in n it I mean you pay your money , you you you come here to lose but if you win it' a bonus .
6 We can just about afford it from immediate funds , and I trust I have your support in this work .
7 What 's more , cock , I expect you to treat your number two in exactly the same way . ’
8 I expect you to do your best , ’ she said .
9 ‘ If I say we know your brother has been with you , then you can believe we do know .
10 And as I say you took your little wrapped up lunch invariably in newspaper , because they was no such thing as tissue paper int hose days you know , that was n't hardly available .
11 Which is why I suggest you button your lip , except to mention that whatever she decides , you are on her side , supporting her through what 's going to be a painful experience .
12 So if you value your anatomy , I suggest you keep your marauding Viking hands to yourself in the future . ’
13 I suggest you visit your local ‘ Deli ’ which should be able to sell you the type that come with edible snails !
14 If you are so concerned with the kindly nurture of infants , I suggest you turn your journalistic — conscience — to those children begotten by inadequate stupid parents being reared in appalling conditions in slums all over the country .
15 If as reader , you can not imagine how different they are in structure I suggest you try your hand at drawing the relationship between the partners for each example .
16 I suggest you ask your Allies about that .
17 ‘ If you 're planning on staying , I suggest you move your stuff to one of the other bedrooms . ’
18 look Richard , Richard , I want you to put your coat on now anyway , coat on please now
19 I want you to hold your hand , ’ said Owen , ‘ for a time . ’
20 And I want you to mark your
21 I want you to brush your hair
22 After giving the Brigadier a smart salute , he addresses me in his usual gruff manner , ‘ Piper , I want you to play your bagpipes as we disembark ’ .
23 I want you to show your father what you learned today .
24 For example , disputes often arise over an adolescent 's room , the parent might say : ‘ I want you to keep your room clean and tidy .
25 Can you turn over the page again now , I want you to direct your attention to paragraph four point six of this report , which reads The boundary proposed for the conservation area is limited to that part of the settlement which retains its village character .
26 I want you to stick your hot prick into me .
27 I want you to exercise your muscles in every position , not just the extreme ones . )
28 I want you to read your essay about your home .
29 Right , the people who have not read an essay out yet , I want you to sit , just a minute Michael , next to somebody and I want you to read your essay to them and see what they think about it and how you could maybe improve it and I want Michael and John to go and show Steve your books as well now please , right boys do that now then , yes , could you take yours to show
30 When you next indulge in self-stimulation , instead of summoning up the prone and panting form of some nymph of your fervid fancy , at the moment of climax I want you to contemplate your own dappled visage .
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