Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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31 I feel quite fit by the time I get back , you know by the time I 've done
32 That 's the you know by the time sort of office workers are going in , they 've done all the streets and all the pavements but while they 're doing it it 's a hell of a mess .
33 you know by the time you add all that time up it 's high .
34 I also thinking about what we 're going to do is we would end up sounding like a Foster and Allen song anyway you know not deliberately but I think you know by the time we 'd have have by the time we do the way we 'd be able to do it it would sound like Foster and Allen .
35 Did you know that there 's like a huge chance that you 'll marry someone you know by the time you 're eighteen ?
36 Er and you then , you get to the time when you 're all going to get in the car and go off .
37 ‘ But what I got out of Jimi is the freedom on the guitar , to show how you feel at the time .
38 Strange how what you regard at the time as being your downfall , often turns out to be the making of you .
39 Thank you Chair for the time .
40 That is true but unless you invest in the time to capture those skills , either by training your own staff or by hiring an external designer to show you how it 's done , it is almost inevitable that the quality of your published material will go down , not up .
41 I have stood twice as co-operative Labour candidate and did n't win either time , er much to my husband 's disgust , because I , but you see at the time er Labour was very , very low but erm the local people , you can tell by your boxes , was very loyal to me .
42 Obviously , you only score the points of any player you buy from the time you get him .
43 Many external influences can affect our state of mind , from the food we eat to the time of year , from programming in our past to stress in our current situation .
44 So we charge for the time we go to the first address pick the thing up go to the second unload and get back to depot .
45 If you wish to effect a placement in a residential or nursing home we hope for the time being it will help resolve your problem .
46 KPMG should not be associated with an Investment Overview which we know at the time of issue to be misleading or factually incorrect .
47 Given Mrs Thatcher 's relatively non-confrontational stance at Strasbourg , they hope by the time key decisions have to be taken over EMU next year , the British Government will have reviewed its EC strategy .
48 The researchers meet the guests first , and generally look after them from the time they arrive to the time they leave .
49 in those days like they do in the time you 've been talking about ?
50 They laugh about the time when Colin was making love with a girlfriend and Bella , in the room next door , heard her moan that her feet were cold .
51 THE parties can make what agreement they wish about the time , place and manner of delivery and payment .
52 If you intend to insert subtitles at a later editing stage ( rather than superimposing them live at the time of shooting ) , you will need to reserve space for these on the tape by shooting overlength material which can subsequently be erased and over-recorded by the insert .
53 Canetti had read more by the time he was 16 than most of us manage by the time we are 40 .
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