Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well I do n't know about that , I mean with some schools it 'd be a good idea to get them away from it .
2 Chairman you 've got to allow me because by the time I 've finished you wo n't be able to stop me , er , but I mean if there 's a lot of money floating about in this area then I think that er , some committee or other should be looking at the the refurbishment of the courts in Devizes which are a disgrace , and partly the fault of this council when th they were allowed to get into such a state , and I mean at some stage or other , something or else is gon na to have to happen to them and I would hope that the magistrates in their wisdom in some committee or other are , are deciding to take these courts back into use .
3 I mean in some cases be left with the ward sister and I think in general that 's who they will nominate .
4 Mm I du n no what we get asked to do you know , I mean in some cases we can handle everything like pulling out bloody cables after other receive in that kind of thing
5 and i it was n't in all areas that the came back , I mean in some areas there was enough security but you would n't know which area was going to be secure .
6 I mean in some ways
7 I , I mean in some respects this , this , this is very good Mary .
8 I mean in some respects that 's almost an imposs an impossible task it 's simple impracticable .
9 No cold water cos I want to some Ribena before I have a chocolate .
10 I conclude with some remarks about various points of view in moral philosophy which bear on the claims of the attitude theory .
11 erm my point is this , and I speak with some authority , I speak Arabic , I 'm an ex-colonial policeman in Palestine
12 ‘ This is one of the cutest outfits I 've ever worn — I look like some kind of exotic jockey ’ Pepsi , above
13 If I do n't have ruinously expensive scaffolding sewn into my swimwear , I look like some kind of tribal illustration in The National Geographic .
14 And all the time I watch for some sign of awareness in P and M. None appears .
15 I read with some concern that a housing development planned for the Valley is to disgorge its traffic on to the Road near the Hill Lane Lane crossroads .
16 I READ with some amusement R.K. Bradley 's letter ( HAS March 17 ) .
17 I predict with some confidence that Chew and Blagdon will be at top levels for the start of the 1991 angling year .
18 I know of some competitors who fight from a fully sideways-facing straddle stance .
19 I assume in some ways
20 I have been privileged to hold office for 11 years in a series of jobs of enormous interest and I believe of some importance , especially in relation to drugs , broadcasting , the NHS and foreign affairs .
21 I have always been , however , and I believe with some justification , unconvinced of the virtues of taking a punt totally outside my own business .
22 I mean , I believe in some force , but we make our own destiny …
23 I find with some machines and some patterns this help is necessary , while with others it is n't .
24 I hope that , in his discussions with the Treasury , the Minister will not just look at the statistics that he quotes with monotonous regularity , and I guess with some justification , about average incomes , but that he will say that some people below that average have real problems .
25 would have been a a a drover-wood I suppose at some point .
26 I suppose in some ways her emotional life had to start again .
27 I suppose in some ways they thought I would not buckle , so they put even heavier pressure on some of the new MPs .
28 ‘ You did once say I was old-fashioned and I suppose in some ways I must be .
29 I note with some interest that Catherine Destivelle has ‘ transcended her career . ’
30 I note with some disappointment the fall from grace of Amstrad , the once mighty and now increasingly humble British electronics company .
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