Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [verb] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 and the last person I want to see leaving is Alec
2 After a year of following the Hip and Thigh Diet combined with a sensible exercise programme , which I hasten to add has been great fun , I have managed to reduce my body weight by almost a third and in the process become fit and healthy .
3 ‘ I wanted to find out why Maman had kept the past such a big secret , but all I seem to have done is spook everyone — even you , ’ she said wryly .
4 Erm I must confess to doubting whether such a pool of talent exists and I share the views er of the Noble Lord , Lord Motterstone who in a very powerful and commonsense speech made this point an and a number of other ones , but I have to say that what I do think exists is the temptation to create posts for friends of the Government , a process of which has been going for far too long and I mem and I wonder if er members on the other side would defend this position as my Noble Friend Lord Allen said earlier , quite sincerely if , say , another party were in power before when such a time arrives it will then be of little avail for them to run around complaining , for they will have sown the seeds of their own dissatisfaction .
5 The only one other point I do want to say is is on .
6 So I ask you to be open minded they may seem a little bit off the wall to start with , but everything that we do is done for a purpose to achieve er what we 're wanting to achieve and what I do want to achieve is by the end of tomorrow is to have given you a system .
7 Now , I think staying stopped is much more , not much more difficult but just does n't receive the attention that it deserves
8 difficulty is we , what we I think need to do is , is establish who is actually arranging dates
9 Bustin says with determination , ‘ I 've decided to stop being tasteful ’ .
10 Bustin says with determination , ‘ I 've decided to stop being tasteful ’ .
11 ‘ Everything I 've achieved has been due to what I learned there , ’ he said upon arriving at the Bernabeu .
12 The ash bodies and maple necks are sprayed in Italy , and while most examples I 've seen have been black or white , there 's no telling what other colours might come forth at some point ( Fender-type metallics would look awesome ) .
13 most of the things that I 've done have been on Atlantic salmon and you put in Atlantic salmon and you get seven thousand eight hundred
14 Now C twenty eight that some people who I 've noticed have been talking one minute .
15 ‘ There is no Gook or Kraut or Nip for this war ’ , he writes , ‘ and the only Iraqi jokes I 've heard have been on the telephone from back home ’ .
16 What I 've , what I 've tended to do is to do two B and two E
17 This is a matter of personal conscience and what every member in the council chamber today must be aware of , is that there is a vociferous and committed group of people we know that because we 've all had a great deal of communication from them and interestingly enough I have and most of the communication I 've had has been in favour so victory , people who write must be extremely perceptive in , with er marketing the that 's not the point , we all know that there is a committed and vociferous group of people whose consciences do not lead them to the same conclusions as Mr 's conscience and the issue really is , do we in a liberal and democratic society have the right to impose our consciences on those of other people who live in the community and quite clearly and quite determinedly take a different view .
18 what I 've tried to do is not to and we 've had the money , is to buy one in each set cos we have n't got the money to buy full sets , thirty books is a joke !
19 ‘ I think the best I 've qualified has been 12th and I have never finished a race , so I am due something .
20 Only times that I 've got to go is Monday to Friday you 've got to go .
21 And I thought to myself if all I 've got to do is put my signature on this piece of paper and without actually paying any money down , any cash down at all , I can a actually walk out of the shop carrying the video recorder .
22 So , all I 've got to do is disembowel them .
23 The other thing I 've got to do is take a photograph .
24 What we 've got to do is , or I 've got to do is to get our sister companies to visit the buggers .
25 ‘ Now all I 've got to do is get it in shape and make sure I pass the qualifying trials this weekend . ’
26 So all I 've got to do is when I run out again fill it up again spending another twenty five quid 's worth or so that would have been six and I could have had a free Corgi toy for Ricky for Christmas .
27 Then that 's all I 've got to do is my records then .
28 and then put them in , it 's so much to ease my mind in the morning , is all I 've got to do is take them out and they 're pretty , they 're fresh , they 'll defrost by lunchtime and
29 So what I 've got to do is to try and get down to that , but do I actually stop the mallet dead when it , as it hits the blue , because if , I do n't wan na move the blue ball , but , if , if I was to play it like that it would be an obvious crush the ball into the mallet .
30 er , all I 've got to do is to get ev every single part ev every single partner
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