Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [be] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this discussion we shall have to make frequent use of the terms cost and expenses of production ; and some provisional account of them must be given before proceeding further .
2 The tradition says she must be given in marriage as soon as possible .
3 To take a quick look now at the current conditions and in fact you 'll see the extension of gas prices , rig counts etcetera into this year on the charts that you 'll be given with a pack after this meeting .
4 Then she will be given to the Natural History Museum .
5 Alternatively , they may be given as a mark of generosity so as to increase the cohesive forces in society , known as levelling mechanisms .
6 You do not have to be getting income support to apply and in exceptional circumstances they may be given for fuel costs .
7 The effect of what is now sections 128 of the Act is that if particulars of such rights are not set out either in the memorandum or articles , or in a resolution or agreement ( a copy of which has to be sent to the Registrar under section 380 ) they must be given in a statement , in the prescribed form , sent to the Registrar within a month of allotment of the shares .
8 Ideas and opinions about women 's issues and the degree of priority they should be given at this stage vary considerably , but it is more than apparent that there are many who now believe that a new society would be incomplete without changes in women 's position .
9 Owen : When George , or you Robert … or you Carol walks out and slams the door that means the teacher has to give up time they could be giving to the others in the class , the ones who need the help .
10 Saddam Hussein delivered a speech on March 26 at the ceremony to swear in the new Council of Ministers in which he acknowledged that the forthcoming period would be a difficult one for the new ministers ; he said that they would be given between four and six months to demonstrate whether or not they were capable of doing their job properly .
11 When the refugees landed in Havana , they would be given by the Hamburg-Amerika line a receipt for the unused part of the fare .
12 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
13 ‘ The management executive is saying that some of that money can be spent on supplying condoms to GPs so they can be given to patients . ’
14 Where more than one remedy is required they can be given in sequence , one at a time , a certain length of time apart — one every ten minutes , for example , or one every half hour .
15 They can be given by passing laws , and taken away just as easily .
16 In How Prints Look , first published in 1943 , he wrote ‘ an elementary introduction to the appearances ( the outward and visible signs ) of prints ’ , and cautioned that : ‘ Most of the time spent over it should be given to looking at its pictures . ’
17 Their reservation stressed that ‘ while a bounty should be given in aid of the maintenance of children it should be given to all parents for all children and the income tax is not the place in which to make a gift to one special minority of relatively well-to-do persons while refusing the gift to the great mass of poor parents who need it most ’ .
18 If milk is offered , it should be given alongside water , so that the animal has a choice .
19 According to the EC Directive , when nutrition information is given , it must be given in one of two ways :
20 Would not my right hon. Friend be insulting British farmers if he were to suggest that he should decimate the financial support available to them so that it could be given to M. Delors for use as a slush fund for so-called cohesion — a bribe to the countries of southern Europe ?
21 It was marketed under the name Distaval and the advertisements in 1961 indicated that it could be given with complete safety to pregnant women .
22 Seek not after new light for the searching into the private records of God … the event is registered in heaven , and we can expect no other certain notice of it , but that it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared by the Father of mercies . ’
23 If not enough for all , it would be given to the children first .
24 But fears that it would be given to poorly educated women or ethnic minorities , without their informed consent , led the Health Minister , Kenneth Clarke , to refuse the drug a full licence last year .
25 On the very Sunday that the new church opened we looked in vain for the empty seats in St Luke 's : it seemed that God had given to us at the mother church a new group of people who had either moved into the area or who were to be converted and we saw the truth of the saying : ‘ Give and it will be given to you , pressed down and running over . ’
26 This seems to be a law of church planting : give and it will be given to you .
27 No matter – Christian Aid will not suffer , and it will be given to the Rev. John Page on the day of his Induction at Dunlop , as a little memento for John and Janie , of Christian Aid at St. A. 's & St. G 's .
28 Before we start this morning I 'd just like to make one brief announcement er one of my colleagues has asked me to announce er a lecture to be given on Thursday at five fifteen , that is er directly after the second systems lecture of the week , erm on the title of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy , changes , challenges and opportunities in the former Soviet Union and it will be given by the Baroness of Queensbury erm and that 's er at fife fifteen , one four one in this er in this building .
29 On request , the Problem Administrator should use the IPF Problem Control Facility to produce printed details of problem reports and summary lists of problem reports according to the requirements that he will be given by the person requesting the report .
30 It is , however , something that he will be given by Conservative Members and I am sure that he will want to make the most of it before — sadly — he retires from our midst at the next general election .
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