Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 As he knows , I must decide whether to give this matter precedent over the business set down for today or for tomorrow .
2 And I must say that gives me a great pleasure . ’
3 Tell you what , I 'll go and give them a hand !
4 I 'll go and give her the good news . ’
5 Anyway , I 'll go and give mum and dad a quick ring and then let them know .
6 I 'll come and give you a kick if you do n't move faster ! ’
7 I 'll try and give you an example .
8 I 'll try and give you some back .
9 Yeah okay well I 'll I 'll try and give you five minutes before eleven o'clock so er so you can nip over to the video room or wherever it 's being played .
10 Er , I 've had a word with Jeremy about decorating , oh Florrie I must apologise I did try to ring you , I think I managed to get everybody else , erm but you were n't there , in and then I , I left it I regret to say , erm but we thought perhaps we ought to have the kitchen re-decorated and I 've had a word with Jereminy , Jereminy , Jeremy and he says about two hundred pounds and I did get permission from some of you and I 've gone ahead and asked him to do it and he said about three weeks , but before we can have that done , in the meantime , the roof leaked again out in the kitchen Erm , so I 've had a word with Peter who was going on holiday and he should be home this week and he said he will look at it as soon as he 's home , so I 'll give him a ring , I 'll try tomorrow night , I 'm out tonight , I 'll try and give him a ring tomorrow .
11 So I 'll try and give you an idea some time tomorrow morning of the of the situation .
12 I 'd go and give him a hand but I do not like ladders Fun is n't it ?
13 I would suggest that given the decision we prepared to make now even if you have to send a deposit get the local party to stump up the deposit and collect the money as soon as convenient from the people who are committed to going .
14 But I would try and give up sugar altogether , but I do n't know .
15 ‘ Whoever will be my heir , let him be obliged to give , and I entrust to him that he should give , sums of the size which I shall dictate and give . ’
16 I , I have about five or six groups , I can , I can go and give talks .
17 You must declare and give details of any condition likely to affect your fitness as a driver .
18 She 'd come and give me a hot water bottle .
19 She 'd , sh she 'd cancel and give you another appointment .
20 ‘ Perhaps you 'd come and give a hand . ’
21 The child was observed through a one-way screen to see whether he or she would resist or give in to temptation ( i.e. pick up the more attractive , but forbidden , toy ) .
22 If the lord abbot agrees , I hope you will stay and give us the benefit of your judgement .
23 When I 've found out when she can come and give me a hand , I 'll give you a ring . ’
24 I think we should go and give him a hand .
25 All I would say to you is that the very small primary schools I not only have to doubt the financial viability , but I personally sometimes would doubt that the National Curriculum can be delivered to a school where you 've got an age range between five and eleven and you 've only got thirty or forty children , and that is a personal point of view , which I have , erm having seen many of our schools , and I believe that the problems that some of our large urban schools have , with thirty to a class packed in , is also something we should address and give careful thought to when we are resourcing education .
26 Conference , I ask you , with that response what does that hold for our social services within our communities and how hopelessly helpless we must feel that given we will certainly not ?
27 We 're going to make use of this moonless period , but we 'll try and give you a practice run over the ladder before the big night .
28 In either case there is , it seems , little that we could do except give examples .
29 I have n't yet no , but I think he 's outside mixing cement , we said we 'd go and give him a hand to put his posts in
30 I gathered , however , that they expected it to continue to get worse and that there was nothing they could do except give me vitamins .
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