Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] have a different " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , in an ideal world you 'd have a different spanner for every nut , but for the time being a couple of adjustable spanners will come in very handy ( you need two because often you will have to grip a nut as well as a bolt ) .
2 She might well say that she would have a different sense of herself as well had she grown up counting herself as made in God 's image .
3 Nine months or a year 's time we may have a different animal working in that office and it may well be some person who has who does some J L O work to supplement John and does some project work , now er Jackie has indicated she 'd love to fill that role , and we all know what project she 'd want to be doing it , but er if we do put somebody in that role they will be project officer as well and on the wall will be a year planner and it 'll have things like crucial crew gala day and all these major major things and that particular officer will work quite closely with the new Pat and they 'll be able to take some of the weight off our shoulders so when we start planning for something like crucial crew you can delegate some of the work to the project officer and perhaps the other sergeant Now I know things do n't always work out quite that straightforwardly but you know the last year has been a bastard of a year for us in terms of sickness , four S L O's have been on long-term sick we 've lost Pat for all that time Jed was off for quite a while
4 ‘ The only reason I ever played Les Pauls was because Keith was playing a Strat and I thought we should have a different look , but from about 1985 on I 've played Strats .
5 But on the question of competitive tendering I think mentioned by Mr which he says we should have a different attitude .
6 In others we must have a different view , one that must be made public .
7 In a few years ' time hopefully , we might have a different situation where we have people like Helmut Cole and the right wing in France trying to block things that er , a British Labour government wants to do .
8 ‘ Like we said , sir , if it was n't Kemp , we 'd have a different time-scale altogether , would n't we ?
9 We will have a different attitude , we 'll bear to watch what is happening in competitive tendering and to ask questions and to get the right the facts on competitive tendering because we found a lot of these round the competitive tendering do n't you , do n't you worry and we ai n't finished with it yet I can tell you and also we have ev , the people who are , the in house , walking in the house , have a right to have some protection from it , to see that when we dole out those contracts that it least they are genuine and they 've got a someone to see that that their interest is looked after .
10 They may have a different leader .
11 However , these same life cycles also suggest that they may have a different nature from the larger ovals .
12 Sorry , my my my other point is about about Ryedale , and and and its its and its its unde its relationship to Southern Ryedale , and erm Mr Smith said that erm as far as Ryedale Council are concerned they ca n't identify any more land within Southern Ryedale , well of course they would say that because was there position at the Southern Ryedale plan , but the fact of the matter is that there was a great dispute at the York greenbelt Southern Ryedale plan enquiry , revol resolving around the issue of what were the bits of the greenbelt which made up the historic character and thereby what were you left with that potentially could be developed , albeit it might be reserved as white land in the first place , but could potentially be developed , and a great deal of this land on the disputed side lay in Southern Ryedale , that in that in fact there was a view around the table not only sh not only shared by by the developers side , but erm that large parts of Osbaldwick and Huntingdon did n't fall within the definition of greenbelt as as set out by by the County Council in their N Y Two Two document , now that matter clearly has got to be something left to the Inspector and the Greenbelt Inquiry , but I think it 's fair to point out that there is actually a difference of view , so it 's not an absolute position , that you ca n't identify more land within within Southern Ryedale , and indeed , erm , not that I want to raise the Local Government Commission 's head again , but of course the Local Government Commission is proposing that York be a unitary authority expanded , and once Yor , if York does become a unitary authority expanded then some of these areas will fall within their area , and they may have a different view than er the Ryedale current Ryedale district council does , and therefore I think it is a little unsafe to take just at pure se pure face value , that there is no more land within Southern Ryedale that could be developed .
13 And I 'm sure they 'll have a different expertise .
14 They would have a different view about which more concrete conception provided the best justification of coercion , and so would have a different view of the implicit extension of the abstract convention in question .
15 But surely the fact that somebody 's of a different generation will erm th th they would have a different
16 ‘ But now I am concerned that he might have a different response this year ! ’
17 As each new incumbent arrives in the levels above you he will have a different idea from his predecessor as to how things should be done .
18 Therefore all of us will have a different shape and size of our internal stress glass .
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