Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] take [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The legacies of these origins have persisted and there has never been agreement on the nature of international affairs , on the proper methods for studying them , or on the range of elements which theories of them must take into account .
2 For example if I 'm looking at O-level history , ‘ What sorts of things do you think might be important , or what kinds of evidence do you think I ought to collect , or what issues do you think I ought to take into account ? ’ ’
3 Now for example if I 'm looking at O level history , what sort of things do you think might be important , or what kinds of evidence do you think I ought to collect , or what issues do you think I ought to take into account ? ’ .
4 It 's almost I could take on board another two to three clerks , and I could say , could I do what
5 But how , when he had nothing that I could take by force , steal , hide , break in front of him , tear up or trample underfoot , to vent my rage and spite ?
6 It was n't anybody else 's awar it was a T U C award and you can imagine the very issue that has been raised here today are the very aspects that are critically analyzed by the T U C in determined award , but I will take on board the points that have been mentioned .
7 that 's the only time I can take off time off in lieu , which is annoying
8 That is not a matter that I can take into consideration other than to say that I am satisfied that the proper figure for a multiplier for working life , er which I shall take in this case , is the multiplier of sixteen contended for by Mr .
9 Assuming that you have determined that the line is biased to starboard , and you therefore want to start near the starboard end of the line , there are still a number of considerations which you must take into account before you can put yourself in the right place as the gun is fired .
10 Future disbursements that you must take into account ( although they should not be put onto your bill ) will include stamp duty and a land registration fee .
11 There is one other point that you should take into consideration and that is , the Channel cats are going to require a very large aquarium of their own later on — they can grow to 120cm .
12 And another vital feature you should take into account is the excellent support that WordPerfect provides .
13 It was inconceivable that she could take from Mrs Barnet anything that was rightly hers , nor did Ruth flatter herself that Joss Barnet 's interest in her was anything but transient .
14 It was a sprawling split-level place where you could take on board anything from a glass of beer to a four-course dinner plus the right wines at each course and with about as much choice about where to sit : at tables in the middle at booths and alcoves at the sides on the bar stools on other stools up against long shelves .
15 And you could take into account the fact that
16 And if you are already at L'Hôpital-Saint-Blaise , you could take in Navarrenx too , five miles down river .
17 Of course he was thirteen years older than her , she being but twenty ; but then she would take into consideration that he was the footman and it was a splendid rise for her from kitchen maid .
18 What I 'd like to introduce lastly now is an approach that you can take to training to help yourselves and to help make it more effective and more systematic and what I 'd like to introduce to you is , is something called the training cycle and the rest of the course is actually based around the training cycle and I know Margaret you 've actually seen the training cycle a few weeks ago , I 'm not sure if , if any of the others are , any of the others familiar ?
19 Well you got you got three months from the date of termination which you can take as effect from the twenty second of June to make a claim to the industrial tribunal .
20 One , we 're going to look at why well trained staff are , are so important to the C U , secondly we 're going to look at things responsibility training is and lastly we want to look at a systematic approach that you can take as training .
21 Clubland 's favourite tipple , now out in tablets you can take in clubs
22 If he finds the food provided difficult to eat , ask the dietitian for advice and check whether you can take in food your child will enjoy .
23 And i in sort of legal terms , I mean there are remedies that you can take against noise .
24 Can I ask you to think carefully about those dire those issues factors which you think we ought to take into account if we want to be better informed in order to come forward with that sort of a recommendation .
25 There is a different tone at the end of this paper , where Freud writes that our attitude to primitives is like that we ought to take towards children , ‘ … which we adults no longer understand and whose fullness and delicacy of feeling we have in consequence so greatly underestimated ’ .
26 We 've just finished the first round of waivers for people receiving the Home Care Service , and the criteria that I was giving you reflected those , and so when you get your letter , if you feel that you 've got particular financial problems or particular family situations we should take into account , erm then do get in touch with us and we 'll process it and we 'll set out a procedure for you in the letter that we send .
27 So , we should take on board when we look at Simon 's suggestions for Q P one , not only at things he 's but any other note that anyone else has got appropriate to that procedure .
28 It is no good arguing that we should take in asylum seekers and that we should process their applications quickly if , in the interim , no financial assistance is given to local authorities for that purpose .
29 Meaning is not simply in an utterance , irrespective of the participants : to understand it we must take into account the inter-subjectivity of the participants , addressing ourselves to such questions as who controls the meaning and the nature of the reference .
30 There is , however , one classical restriction which we must take into account , namely the resolving power of optical instruments .
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