Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] so [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I was so aggravated that I was prepared to believe Brenda on the switchboard was lying on his behalf , pretending there was no reply .
2 I was so suprised when I got the letter telling me about the award that I burst into tears , ’ says Joan , a widow .
3 I was so overcome that I approached Shell and offered to buy it . ’
4 I think this is because for the last five months I was pregnant I was so withdrawn and would n't talk to anybody — would n't go out of the house , I used to sit upstairs or here hoping she would n't kick too hard and my dad would n't see anything .
5 I think I was so detached when I first had her because of the mental blockage , and the labour , and the birth was so messy and horrible .
6 I was so exhausted that I lay down and went to sleep .
7 I was so overwhelmed that I started to cry .
8 I kept talking to his mother and the girl at the cash-register , but I was so distracted that I did n't know what I was saying .
9 There was so little space in the car and I was so cramped that one of the policemen lifted me bodily out on to the road .
10 I was so cowed that I did n't even say who I was ; I pretended to be her .
11 ‘ I hope you are so humiliated that you commit suicide . ’
12 But it is infinitely worse if you are so divided that it is apparent you can not take any action at all .
13 But I thought you were so experienced that it would n't have affected you as it did me . ’
14 Yeah , yeah and she 's , yeah , and she says she 's so fed cos to her there 's nothing wrong with her , the baby did put on weight last week , but she said you know , what do you do in here all day .
15 Once she saw , sitting on the pavement before a café , drinking pale green drinks , and embracing , leaning over from their plastic chairs towards each other and embracing , the most beautiful couple ; the man with a face angular and ravaged and tragic , the girl dark and thin , with pale lips in a dark tan face : and she was so moved that she said , aloud to Rosie who was walking with her , " Look , Oh God , look at those lovely people " : and Rosie looked and stared and laughed and said , " Good Lord , what odd ideas you have , I would n't look like that if you gave me a hundred pounds . "
16 She was so absorbed that it was not for some time that she realized that the sea on her left was no longer the water of the estuary but had become the ocean .
17 She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting , and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea .
18 ‘ They are always amazed that we are so un-rock 'n' roll .
19 We are so made that we can derive intense enjoyment only from a contrast and very little from a state of things .
20 We were so broke when we were living there that I 'd buy a bar of Kit Kat in the morning , have two fingers of it for breakfast and the other two for dinner in the evening .
21 The performances on this new disc are first-rate ; indeed they are so polished that I found myself occasionally longing for something with a little more humanity and which more faithfully reflected what were in all probability the more rough-and-ready sounds of the Kürbs-Hütte clientele .
22 The children become spoiled and materialistic in their attitudes and parents complain that they are so demanding and never satisfied .
23 Black-clad , a little spidery , they are so mince as to be minuscule .
24 In places , they are so crowded that their bodies touch and the cliff seems to have been painted crimson .
25 They were so named because of their comfortable leather seats on the lower deck .
26 They were so designed as to be easily folded up , enabling the car to be thoroughly cleaned .
27 One crew would control a real system and the other would think they were so doing but would in fact be in a control room driven by software .
28 It wo n't , for example , recognize joined-up writing and even with individual letters it 's so hit and miss that you ca n't write at any speed because you have to go back to correct all the mistakes it makes .
29 It 's so called because the electrical vibratory massager has a choice of five heads according to the intensity of the massage and which part of the body is to be treated .
30 It 's so called because in the past it was burnt and the smoke used to rid dwellings of fleas .
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