Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] that we were " in BNC.

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1 If we 're talking about the same phone call , the reason it was a woman who spoke to you was that we were both travelling in my car at the time — and I was driving .
2 Much as we longed for another child , and overjoyed as we were that we were to have another daughter , we both said that it was the hardest thing we had ever done , to see a lovely young mother say goodbye to her daughter .
3 Erm , I ca n't remember the exact conversation but the basics of it were that we were looking for somebody called Lawrence and he was at the present time at erm and that he was in possession of a gun and that the caller was concerned for the safety of the occupants of those premises .
4 Mr Sandy recalls that the biggest challenge was just to get the name known in the major markets in Europe : ‘ Whether the message coming back was ‘ Unbekannt ’ or ‘ Pas Connu ’ the gist of it was that we were unknown and if you 're trying to sell whiskies people have n't heard of , then you have n't got much to go on . ’
5 ‘ But I have gone over it many times in my mind about why we lost so heavily in India and one of the main reasons for me was that we were not used to playing on turning pitches .
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