Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] also [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know there will be those who are unhappy … but I am also convinced that millions of Argentines are applauding this measure , ’ he said at the weekend .
2 But I am also convinced that markets should not enjoy the kind of sovereign power which they are given in the Hayekian and Friedman analysis .
3 I am also convinced that the 10 million abusive calls that BT now admits are made to women every year are the overspill from the 0898 numbers .
4 I am also sure that the House will sympathise with the wish that they should both be afforded a degree of privacy .
5 I am also sure that schools will take these concepts , adapt them to their needs and circumstances and successfully absorb them , as they have with the many other innovations taken on board by education over the past few years .
6 If we were to have dialogue , if dialogue were to be opened between us and I am now talking about dialogue and not of debate , then erm it is only erm , I 'm certain that there would be a great deal to , to say to him from us on our part , and I am also sure that he will have a great deal to say .
7 I am also confident that BT is not achieving that by exploiting customers because of the tight price controls which Labour could never offer , since in its day the company was nationalised and did not work nearly as well .
8 I am also happy that we shall have a record of the Berlin orchestra .
9 I am also concerned that most stores have no clear idea where the mahogany originates from .
10 However I am also concerned that because we have agreed to give the Cyprus holiday company some editorial space , we should also be offering B&I Lines something similar .
11 I am also concerned that if these new unitary authorities come into effect , it seems er reasonable to assume the majority of members will be all the district councillors er whose involvement in planning of course is very different to our own and therefore their understanding of strategic planning , their appreciation of its importance will be far less and we could actually find that these planning committees authorities are really old district planning committees and the new and er there really could be quite serious implications for a whole number of things in Sussex I mean we know that the planning department is at the moment trying to erm create er a new and vibrant
12 I am also concerned that after this debate there will be no winners not even the fox , for it will be killed it will be killed in some way or another and the feelings that are left between the two differing sides will harbour grudges and resentment for many months to come and I 'd like to also bearing in mind the comments that were made by Councillor ask how committed the people who have proposed this mo motion are against barbaric sport .
13 I am also aware that four of the most successful economies in the world today are small peripheral islands — Japan , Singapore , Hong Kong and Taiwan .
14 ‘ However , I am also aware that considerable counter pollution resources already exist in the Gulf area as a result of existing contingency plans to deal with spillages of oil from tanker casualties and other sources . ’
15 I am also aware that the Opposition 's proposal for a national minimum wage would destroy many part-time jobs .
16 I 'm also grateful that you did n't … you did n't take advantage of what was between us six years ago .
17 I 'm also convinced that the viewer likes continuity .
18 I 'm also sure that they 're well and truly hidden from prying eyes like yours or mine . ’
19 I feel it did , I strongly feel it , feel that , but I 'm also sure that its an awful lot easier than , than most people think , but its not going to work for us is it ?
20 I 'm also pleased that I now have a style I can easily recreate at home .
21 Er I 'm also concerned that the services in er even a village that size would be erm overwhelmed by the demands of erm large scale development , but that 's the largest , there are a range of other settlements which are mostly much smaller and even much less able to accommodate , or act as a nucleus for large scale development .
22 I 'm also concerned that if they went down School Lane , although I think it you know I understand they 've got to go to Norwood Gardens and things , that with the car park at The Plough now being blocked I mean School Lane at peak times for schools is a nightmare .
23 ‘ I 'm surprised the Barnet fans have n't got together to try to get the club taken over and I 'm also surprised that Barry Fry is still there . ’
24 ‘ No , I 'm afraid I ca n't — and I 'm also afraid that you might have to face up to the fact that Silas has n't got private talks in mind , ’ Lucy pointed out gently .
25 I was also delighted that at last there had been an acknowledgement of the fact that I had a role in what was happening rather than being seen as a bystander in an event that would , all being well , change our lives beyond recognition .
26 I was also disappointed that no mention was made in the Queen 's Speech of one of the major consequences of the Gulf war — the plight of the Kurdish people throughout the region .
27 Whilst I believed their feelings and actions were genuine , I was also aware that they were as steeped as I was in the romance of blindness : the helping hand , God 's purpose for us all .
28 I was also aware that some girls and even some teachers were involved in lesbian relationships .
29 I was also satisfied that it was reasonable for the Bank to require the production of these documents .
30 I was also surprised that Professor Lee should suggest that the paper issued by the Big Six seeks to ignore possible links between business and audit failure .
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