Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] for [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 're for it for patriotic reasons .
2 It 's for you with kids .
3 The only way to solve it is for something to be done to those four officers , something done to the Korean lady who shot the girl , something done to the Compton policeman who killed those two Samoan brothers …
4 Compare , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through things being absent ’ ; and , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through noticing the absence of things ’ .
5 Compare , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through things being absent ’ ; and , ‘ One learns what it is for something to be absent through noticing the absence of things ’ .
6 He starts by remarking that scientists and ( at that time ; he was writing in the 1950s ) philosophers usually take science as the understanding of an independent reality , with the presumptions that they know what it is for something to be ‘ real ’ and for someone to ‘ understand ’ it .
7 The legislation does therefore not set up any presumption in the employee 's favour ; rather it is for him as claimant to lead evidence which tends to establish that it is more likely than not the employer gained from possession of the patent .
8 It is for everyone in local offices but is particularly relevant to Client Advisers .
9 A few are ‘ trying out ’ policing by joining the reserves first , although the common view amongst the reserve police is that it is harder for them to transfer to the regulars than it is for someone without experience to sign up straight away because of the greater number of reasons the police authorities are thereby given for turning them down .
10 To whom in particular the blame for this disaster should be attributed , it is for someone in the ministry with all the facts at their fingertips to determine .
11 But we believe we know what at this moment the country wants , and we believe it is for us in our strength to do what no other party can do at this moment and to say that we at any rate stand for peace …
12 Nor is it necessary to know any of x 's relational properties in order to understand what it is for it to be round-shaped or metal .
13 Why does the separation of the mental from the physical make it impossible to show that we understand what it is for there to be other minds than our own , given the separation of the mental from the physical ?
14 For instance , what it is for there to be a red rose in this darkened room is for it to be the case that if I were to turn the light on , I would make a certain observation , and if I were then to move to another place , I would make an observation rather different , and if you were to come in , you would observe such and such , and so on .
15 ‘ People still write about how strange it was for me to be with someone like Catherine , ’ he says .
16 When your income is not much above five or six pounds a week , as it was for me in the seventies , even a tin of dog food is out of the question .
17 It was for me like the young people out there doing their Licenza Classica .
18 She knew how important it was for him to be in a good army , and if the war had ended in Rhodesia , then perhaps another might start in one of France 's old colonies so that the Legion could get involved .
19 During the summer , the Prime Minister kept saying how essential it was for him to be present at Maastricht in December in order to make decisions , but the word from Downing street now is that the Prime Minister 's greatest ambition at Maastricht is to fend off making any decisions .
20 And the stronger they were , the worse it was for them at the end of the picture .
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