Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] also [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I am also assuming that you will be with us on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June .
2 I 'm also told that we 'll have no problems with the phone calls this week .
3 I was also thinking that I was not feeling very well , I 'm tired , I do n't want to be here .
4 I was also admitting that ‘ I ’ was not a separate entity from my body , that we were both one , and both in need of nutrition .
5 I was also reminded that on the same floor I woke up one morning to find the sun shining through the curtains , it being the only day of the entire Frankfurt Book Fair that my room was not below cloud level .
6 I was also charmed that one lady called me Rosemary Clooney !
7 Feelings of guilt are really about a sense of unentitlement ; in thinking that your desires and feelings are wrong or ‘ silly ’ you are also saying that you feel you are wrong or silly , and not entitled to be taken seriously , or helped .
8 And you 're also summoned that on that same occasion you not having given your name and address to any person requiring it at the time , you failed to report the accident at a police station , or to a constable as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case within twenty four hours of it happening again , that 's an offence under section twenty five of the road traffic act to that effect do you plead guilty or not guilty ?
9 She 's also told that it 's Grace Poole that slept by the Rochester 's bed .
10 She was also discovering that there was more to Sean O'Farrell than the frivolous charm which he presented to the world .
11 She was also told that some of the creatures and vegetation on the planet were not real , but the product of a Nicaean corporation .
12 She was also advised that she should continue to try to reduce weight and should not return to her work ( which involved standing all the time ) until she had been seen in the Outpatient Clinic in six weeks time .
13 She was also offended that a young man as charming and eligible as Lord John should flaunt his foolishness .
14 But we are also emphasising that proper provision must be made to collect , store safely and dispose of even reduced amounts .
15 However , we are also reminded that Pinnacle has n't been taped out yet so it 's still only hopes and dreams time over at Cypress .
16 And we are also told that there could be a case where the peasantry had no such effect .
17 We are also told that the lopsided mouth
18 We are also told that the new Teesdale and Teesside Park developments are in Stockton-on-Tees .
19 Yet we are also agreed that it can never be complete in itself .
20 And we 're also saying that if you have a new pensions act , the work of the regulator would be much easier .
21 And we 're also saying that if you have a new pensions act , the work of the regulator will be much easier .
22 Well , I think we 're talking here about hospitals in particular and not GP practice but we 're also saying that this is something which the enthusiastic and bright and very capable people we have in our health service are very keen on because they believe it will do better for their patients .
23 We were also told that the fire was started in June , and was not expected to be extinguished until the start of the rains , normally in October .
24 They are also charged that on or before Tuesday , March 2 , they conspired at Walford Road and elsewhere to cause an explosion in the UK and with possessing a ‘ quantity of Semtex ’ at the Stoke Newington flat .
25 They are clearly determined not to be beguiled and are prepared to trade quickly at the first sign that sterling 's recent advantage is beginning to dissipate — although they are also finding that the money market is an ants ' nest where one man 's guess is as good as another .
26 For example , how should policy makers react if , having been persuaded that the larger part of observed unemployment is Keynesian , they are also persuaded that NAIRU lies well within the range BC in Figure 8.8 ?
27 The new park planting etcetera really enhances the area , so that 's nice to hear from the Civic Society , and they 're also saying that er they 're grateful for the newspaper collection , which their office is thinking has been put to good use .
28 Rose 's family was told that the operation was a matter of life-and-death , so they gave the surgeons permission , even though they were also warned that the operation could result in further bleeding and disability .
29 They were also hinting that there 's more moves to follow .
30 Moreover , after the attack on the embassy , they were also persuaded that their own lives would be seriously threatened if the Shah arrived in America .
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