Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] give [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 By the age of five I was given glasses which had no effect , serving only to restrict my field of vision , since I could only really see to read with one eye .
2 She was giving Jessie her insulin injection not long ago .
3 Naomi Roberts concluded her period of volunteering early because she felt she was giving Ghanaians something that they did not want ( Endpiece NI 209 ) .
4 We have reached an understanding that we are never not communicating ; whether silent or talking , hunched in a chair or pacing the floor , we are giving signals which may be interpreted by others .
5 Manpower told us that its staff are attracted to it and stay with it because of the level of such fringe benefits and the level of pay it offers and not because they are given contracts which confirm them as having dependent employee Status .
6 Yet as we noted in our tenth report : ‘ The price that some children may pay for demanding little of the teacher may be that they are given work which demands little of them ’ ( Alexander et al .
7 Good co-operation between the physiotherapist , occupational therapist and nurse is vital : the patient must not be taught several different ways of doing the same dressing task , nor must he be given tasks which he can not achieve .
8 humbug and foolishness ; that it was all prearranged ; that he was given music which he already knew ; that it was ridiculous to think that he could compose , and so forth .
9 He was given drugs which controlled this well and had no more health problems for the next four years .
10 Joseph saw that although he was given evil he was able to turn it into goodness .
11 Constable when he was giving evidence it only takes a second to fire a gun was n't that the reason that the bed was tipped because it had to be checked quickly that was n't underneath otherwise Constable may might have got shot .
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