Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] see to be " in BNC.

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1 When the remainder of the known fortified sites are plotted on a map ( fig. 7.1 ) most of them are seen to be distributed along three routes :
2 V.W. I 'm not quite the loony that I was seen to be six years ago , when I first came in the school .
3 You are seen to be pulling a large load across the stage .
4 But elsewhere she is seen to be ‘ black ’ in more than one sense .
5 She was seen to be afebrile with a tender rigid abdomen on admission to her local hospital .
6 Maybe our weakness is our strength , thought Cameron — we are seen to be democrats , nothing like the Prince 's bands of warriors .
7 This means that we are seen to be thinking with our partner rather than thinking against them .
8 That we are courteous , efficient , and we are seen to be a caring organisation .
9 Agreement with the objectives will help to ensure that they are seen to be important and that activity will be directed towards their achievement .
10 They are more likely to do this if they are seen to be making a direct and positive contribution to the school 's consultative and decision-making processes , rather than observing from a distance in a way that underlines the ‘ us-them ’ relationship .
11 As far as I am concerned the whole point of Punch is to attack those in authority when they are seen to be acting in a way not worthy of respect .
12 Different attitudes confront older people ; they are seen to be too slow , too set in their work practices , or possessing skills which have become or will become redundant .
13 Male carers are often omitted from detailed study because they are seen to be unimportant or assumed to be so few in number .
14 Differentials do exist between blue- and white-collar workers , but they appear to be narrower than in most Western companies , and they are seen to be justified by different educational qualifications .
15 She proposes an alternative model of mind in which feelings are paid sufficient attention , and in which , through language , they are seen to be intelligent rather than rational , non-rational or irrational .
16 The primary concern of the judiciary , said Lord Hailsham , must be ‘ to retain the respect of the public for their independence which involves not merely their real independence of mind , but also the belief which the public can have that they are seen to be independent in every respect ’ .
17 As the light grows , they are seen to be ROS and GUIL , and to be resting quite comfortably .
18 It does not matter whether the overall burden of tax increases , as long as they are seen to be reducing personal taxation .
19 The consequence of this is that women are feared because they are seen to be sexually aggressive , and relations with men are spoiled because a close tie to them , which might otherwise constitute a conflict-free alternative nevertheless connotes a parallel threat of passive dependency .
20 When black youth did appear it was often because they were seen to be a problem .
21 Boccara/Boucherit of France had the next fastest time but they were seen to be wash hanging , not for the first time at this level , and a protest was upheld , posing the question why the umpires Riccardo Guala and Glyde Brytt had given white flags .
22 They might get at least some credit if they were seen to be laying better long-term foundations for the economy .
23 They were seen to be working in the same direction and although it has not yet been possible to gauge the extent to which they help in the task of managing new education , their contribution to quality assurance should , by tradition , be valuable .
24 Yet the political authority was to an extent dependent on the company 's sources of information , however suspect or inadequate they were seen to be ; according to one civil servant interviewed , the PSO requirement was ‘ basically calculated by taking on trust the figures which RENFE gave ’ .
25 The move caused some surprise in Whitehall , where the belief is that it would be damaging to Mr de Klerk if he were seen to be making reformist moves because of external pressure .
26 The United States thus finds itself in a no-win situation : the more it is seen to be intervening against him , the more it is likely to reinforce his position .
27 Brownie points for guts , if true ; but public confidence is not going to be restored in the integrity of official information unless it is seen to be properly independent of the government machine that is now exerting its improper pressures behind closed doors .
28 Briefly , then , for we shall be returning to this same point later in the book , it can be said that the performance mode itself can be protective , either because it is seen to be mainly a technical or intellectual task , or because the dramatic form is powerful enough to enhance whatever the participants ' contribution might be .
29 At long length , the slope of the ridge , so far imperceptible , becomes more pronounced , raising hopes that the summit is near — but disappointment follows when , on topping the rise , it is seen to be succeeded by others .
30 Explain the system carefully and do ensure that it is seen to be fair .
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