Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As far as the true chemical tonics are concerned , there are several kinds of active substances available , although most of them are not well known .
2 We are concerned with people , some of whom are men and some women , and the cognitive differences between them are not easily traced to their gender .
3 The non-crystalline , that is the amorphous cellulose , has no mechanism for protecting its hydroxyls from moisture , since most of them are not firmly attached to their neighbours , and so they pick up a shell , round each hydroxyl , of any water molecules which are available .
4 Punchy thermals which delight the wings of gliders and do not trouble planes with a bit of weighty metal behind them are no longer conjured up by the morning sun to drive trepid microlight flyers back to earth .
5 Similarly , all engineers should seek to ensure that they receive the education and training they need , and that those working for them are also suitably developed .
6 The animals within them are often closely related and both co-operative and competitive behaviours occur .
7 I happen to believe that many of them are very well documented , even proved .
8 In what follows the main ideas of these models are discussed in general terms and the implications of allowing expectations to be rational within them are very briefly mentioned .
9 Experience of starting groups in other parishes has shown that men are very shy about offering their services but some of our handicapped friends are men , and some of them are very physically handicapped , so we need some strong people in each group .
10 You have my agreement in principle , Ranulf , but for the moment Sir John and I are both busily engaged on other matters .
11 Selina and I are very well suited .
12 She and I are long since sworn one to aid the other , ’ said the Robemaker .
13 I am also often told that it is not good for a curate 's career to stay in the same area or parish !
14 I am just not prepared to wait for the green shoots of recovery . ’
15 I am even more opposed to the question of that penalty in the United Kingdom being submitted to a tribunal outside this country and to the decision of that tribunal being treated as binding .
16 I shall say something this morning about the negotiation on political union , in which I am most closely involved , but I do not want to concentrate on those themes today , because the world has not obligingly stood still as we prepare the approach to Maastricht .
17 I am immensely kindly supported in my lonely periods here by a whole host of interesting and talented friends — nearly all of whom are John 's age or nearer yours as it so happens .
18 ‘ Well , ’ said Dyson luxuriantly , pressing the point of his pencil through the surface of a copy-pad , ‘ I am rather heavily committed , of course .
19 ( I am probably too influenced by my own feelings regarding Victoria . )
20 That conflict of views has its fierce advocates on both sides , and I am neither well informed nor dispassionate enough to comment on it From the presumed perspective of John Howard , the Ellis-Beto administrations overall emerge with credit , because they did insist on the publication of official rules , and that was a big breakthrough .
21 ‘ I was told I am no longer entitled to apply ’ , he says .
22 And I am not longer prepared to put up with the various parasitical fringe groups , ranging from the self-importantly irrelevant to the downright obnoxious , who are an unchanging part of the demo scene .
23 I announce that I plan to throw one honey of a tantrum , complete with sound effects and meteorological events , if I am not instantly issued with a remote to keep tabs on my subject .
24 That is worth considering , but I am not completely sold on that idea .
25 I am not even asked if I want a line .
26 I am not so bothered about losing the repeat in the Andante cantabile of K548 , although that to is a lovely work — it might be argued that at 12:44 , the London Fortepiano Trio 's performance of this movement is too much of a good thing !
27 I am not entirely convinced by Creamer 's attempt to provoke a reassessment through formal devices ; the female image is trapped within layers of muted , glazed oil paint , while a neutral , opaque band at the base of the canvas reinforces the distance between subject and viewer .
28 Although I am not entirely convinced by the contents of the motion , I agree with parts of it .
29 And I am not entirely persuaded that the views of colleagues in this matter were given adequate weight when the final decision was taken .
30 I am not suitably attired , ’ Lucien said .
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