Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] know that " in BNC.

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1 Yes very , you know , so I mean I 'm not to know that he 'd not already told somebody else .
2 I suppose I should have noticed that the sand was all trampled but I was n't to know that the sandpit was the personal stamping ground of a large bull reindeer .
3 She was n't to know that he 'd been posted to Berlin .
4 She was not to know that , once at sea , they would only be allowed on deck at certain times , like dogs let out to exercise .
5 Her will included legacies of twenty pounds each to her Frome cousins , Mary and Sarah , the daughters of her uncle John Titford ; she was not to know that Mary would die just two months before she did , though Sarah , as we shall see , survived for another five years , long enough to bless the generosity of her Surrey cousin .
6 She was not to know that Tina , sticking to her principles , had long ago slept with her cousin Jarvis .
7 But she was not to know that he had had this desire , and went into the house with head bent , feeling that she had been a failure .
8 We are not to know that new methods of correlation will not he developed ( as spores , hystrichospheres , etc. , have been developed in recent years ) to correlate the least promising.looking formations , Ultimately perhaps we shall have a little black box into which we only have to pop our rock specimen for its age to he read automatically on a dial .
9 If in addition promises were made , as it seems they were , of helping to boost wage rates , and if particular grievances were also thrown into the package , it is not necessarily paradoxical that women should have agreed both to the five-year ban on entry ( they were not to know that it would really be a permanent one ) and to the assigning of all new machines to men .
10 It was a fool 's paradise , but they were n't to know that , and it was hardly surprising that few worried much about the maintenance of British-financed production .
11 ‘ Because if you do n't , ’ said Owen , ‘ I shall let it be generally known that Andrus has been giving money to the Moslems for them to use against Copts . ’
12 If it were not known that pupil-dilation was intimately related to neurological functioning of the brain its absence in some cases of head injury might go unremarked ; but once its significance is appreciated , such a seemingly slight symptom assumes drastic importance .
13 It 's already known that women who take the contraceptive pill are much less likely to develop it .
14 He does n't usually do that ; at least , it 's not known that he does .
15 And it 's also known that breastmilk has a special value for babies most vulnerable to infection , for example those born ill or premature .
16 To the actress Joyce Carey in the crowded foyer of the Old Vic : ‘ But Joyce , it 's well known that Shakespeare sucked Bacon dry . ’
17 It 's well known that the universe verse is infinite .
18 It 's well known that Maurice likes a night out but the media attention he gets in Britain makes it difficult for him to enjoy it .
19 This is an affect well known in some domesticated animals like sheep , it 's well known that if sheep are , if , if , if , if ewes are well fed just before they mate , they 're much more likely to er to twin than if they 're er not given extra food supplement and nowadays erm farmers wh wh who , who breed sheep for lambing er frequently feed , feed ewes a special diet just before er conception for that very reason , the rate of twinning increases .
20 I have a reputation for honesty and fair trading — and it 's well known that I do n't have any truck with shady deals , ’ she informed him bluntly .
21 But it 's now known that Mrs Law was last seen alive just after lunchtime on Sunday .
22 Meanwhile , it 's now known that two other people from the Central South region were among the one hundred and sixty seven passengers killed .
23 It 's now known that more than 100 people are H I V positive following treatment here .
24 They arrived on Christmas Eve 1924 , proving that high-quality electrical test recordings existed at the end of 1924 , although it is not known that any of these survive today .
25 Husameddin 's argument , moreover , ignores the facts that Shams al-Din is known to have been part of Molla Fenari 's name but not , so far as can be discovered , of that of his son and that the son was regularly referred to as Mehmed Sah whereas it is not known that Molla Fenari ever was .
26 It is widely known that there are harmful effects from inhalation of outfall from a lead works ; for children who ingest it by licking lead-painted toys ; and for families whose drinking water is supplied through lead pipes .
27 It is widely known that the new repository will run on AIX and OS/2 , but it may surprise many that the thing is also up under OS/400 as well as on Ultrix , HP-UX and Solaris and that IBM has funded development work internally for it to appear on these non-IBM versions .
28 However , it is widely known that only a small proportion of such qualifying mergers are referred , and further that vertical mergers are a small proportion of the total .
29 It is well known that many children in Romanian hospitals have been infected with HIV through reused needles , syringes and infected blood transfusions .
30 It is well known that they always develop their more satisfying choreographic ideas when working with a group of dancers whose abilities they know .
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