Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [verb] to an " in BNC.

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1 I am taken to an expensive restaurant in Makati , where the president of the company , whose name is Rudy , is throwing a gala dinner in my honor .
2 Suppose that I am committed to an ideal of conserving areas of natural beauty or variegated wild life in my country .
3 I 'm driven to an early night by Kenneth 's reading .
4 I 'm going to an auction .
5 Yet the other day I was listening to an eminent conductor whose Bruckner is often much praised reaching a triple forte long before what is to me self-evidently the work 's pivotal climax .
6 Inside a month , I was sent to an engineering place which was er close to where I live and I started there inside about a month .
7 The day before the election I was treated to an unsolicited political speech on behalf of the Conservative Party .
8 I was entertained to an extremely competent description of the scene , future plans and prospects divulged by a young enthusiast from the home team .
9 I was talking to an old man about death and he said , ‘ You know I 've not been able to talk to my wife .
10 He admitted his language was ‘ somewhat clumsy ’ but declared : ‘ I was talking to an unhappy young man — not the world at large . ’
11 ‘ Apologies , my dear fellow , ’ said Mr Singleton , ‘ momentarily I failed to appreciate I was talking to an artist . ’
12 Erm I if I was talking to an audience in the United States , you 'd probably have a somewhat different approach cos over there they seem to throw their desktop devices away every two or three years and replace them with brand new technology .
13 I was talking to an old man in my constituency only last week .
14 I was introduced to an art form that did not exist in England .
15 I mean , you know , if I said I was going to an orgy he 'd say , ‘ Oh , all right , as long as I know where you are ’ .
16 I was going to an urgent call — certainly not spying .
17 In the late twenties I was attracted to an article which appeared in the Scout Magazine written by the Chief Scout , Lord Baden-Powell , about Halton and the Trenchard Experiment .
18 To take Fodor 's nice example , imagine that you are chatting to an old friend .
19 Even though you are talking to an old nun ! ’
20 While cash may seem the cheapest and simplest , particularly if you are travelling to an ‘ out of the way place ’ , it is also very risky .
21 If you are travelling to an EC country we recommend that you obtain E111 from your local Post Office .
22 Lights , camera , action — you 're invited to an audience in the Food & Drink studio , with the chance to win a super raffle prize
23 Well now the the thing is and you 're speaking to an expert here
24 I know the car 's essential but for instance if you 're going to an estate agent you 're not running round using the car in company time .
25 You 're going to an awful lot of trouble for me love .
26 this chap with his book he says watch out of it George it burns you , look in the corner and get your torch , you know , maybe you 're going to an antique place
27 A reader has suggested that the belated realization that you 're talking to an ex-lover is best expressed by the old Tallulah Bankhead crack : ‘ I did n't recognize you with your clothes on . ’
28 You 're talking to an atheist . ’
29 Often , in fact , you 're responding to an unconscious pull towards that person which has little basis in reality .
30 ‘ But if I tell you , ’ Harriet Shakespeare said , as though she were talking to an idiot , ‘ I 'm putting Liam 's life in worse danger .
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