Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [verb] be an " in BNC.

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1 What I was experiencing was an islander 's version of the tea-ceremony and its ritual .
2 The year I was born was an eventful one — Hitler came to power , the Loch Ness Monster was first sighted , and the film King Kong was made .
3 The gentleman to whom I was presented was an upright , elderly man with piercing eyes and a chin that looked as if he would stand no nonsense .
4 And what I was playing was an official competition .
5 I was to have been an architect . ’
6 New radiators come in metric sizes , and if the one you are replacing is an old imperial size , go for one fractionally smaller than the original if possible .
7 That dress you are wearing is an offence to my eyes . ’
8 ‘ What you are proposing is an extremely unwise endeavour , ’ said the Thing .
9 You 've picked up a book — you might even have bought it — that you thought was about cancer , but all you 're getting is an incoherent autobiography about an unknown .
10 In the case of nightclubs , what you 're selling is an environment .
11 And the man she 's marrying is an art gallery .
12 ‘ Basically what we are offering is an underwater loudspeaker .
13 One device we are testing is an advanced maschotrometer system with three small maschotrometers coupled together in a series .
14 Just because non-human animal memories can be expressed only in behavioural terms , the possibility always arises that what we are measuring is an aspect of the behaviour rather than the memory .
15 ‘ I respect the fact that The Jam can touch people and what they 're doing is an attempt to be ‘ real ’ — no myth or far-fetched fantasy — and it 's for real people , not people who follow trends .
16 Caught up in the performance , few people seemed to wonder whether what they were hearing was an accurate account of the affair .
17 A Immediately after it is published is an important time for lobbying the Government but by the time the White Paper appears , the framework for the reforms will largely be set .
18 ‘ Hoffman 's shy-guy ability to reach an audience is completely perverted ; to say he is miscast is an understatement . ’
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