Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [noun] rather [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , we , we , we really er , like to be in a position of control in any of the acquisitions er , that we make er , where we are associates rather than , than having a hundred percent or a least erm , over fifty .
2 They are concepts rather than actual objects .
3 If a large sum of Eurodollars is borrowed and then used in a transaction , the recipient of the dollars does not see that they are Eurodollars rather than ‘ domestic ’ US$ .
4 This issue too concerns third parties , although this time they are creditors rather than buyers .
5 They are men rather than women , they are more highly qualified , their assignments are longer and , most significantly , they are often very explicitly self-employed , operating as one-man limited companies .
6 They are weapons rather than protective coverings .
7 They were selectivists rather than universalists in their approach to welfare spending .
8 This distinctive feature may have been retained to convince a money-conscious Council that they were rebuilds rather than new cars !
9 This is really the heart of my thesis ; the eighteenth-century philosophers said that true men differed from sub-men because they were rational philosophers rather than poets ; the nineteenth-century positivists said that true men differed from sub-men because they were scientists rather than superstitious believers in magic ; I am saying that men are men and not non-men because they have created artistic imagination which is bound up with the use of language and other forms of patterned but arbitrary expression , e.g. dancing and music .
10 Simply to apply findings , without regard to their particular conditions of validity , is to impose prescribed patterns of behaviour on learners as if they were subjects rather than people and to make them submit to solutions which correspond to problems other than their own .
11 Right okay erm so there 's the ref it 's refinement rather than radical changes that we 're talking about here really is n't it ?
12 A real beauty of a goal from Les Robinson … there 'll not be many better than that this season but it 's quantity rather than quality that counts and within two minutes it was one-all …
13 It 's not a job that can be delayed , either , for once foam starts to block , then it 's minutes rather than hours before your flow-rate drops dramatically , soon ceasing altogether .
14 It seems that male spatial arrangements are contingent upon those of females , who are themselves dispersed in relation to dietary ecology , and yet in this species it is females rather than males that move between social units .
15 It is aftermath rather than the novel itself .
16 Maybe , but at least it is Budapest rather than Vienna shopkeepers who benefit from Hungarians ' urge to splurge ; and the availability of a wide range of goods has encouraged people to hold forints , the Hungarian currency .
17 The fact that it is women rather than men who are commonly the carers wo n't come as a surprise to most people .
18 The NCC agrees that in nearly all British freshwaters it is phosphate rather than nitrate which is the limiting factor in controlling eutrophication and that a phosphate directive is required to deal more effectively with it .
19 Nevertheless , there is a long tradition of general education in higher education there ( which suggests that it is England rather than Scotland which is atypical in this respect ) .
20 If states wish to solve problems of unemployment , then military expenditure is not a very effective method because it is capital rather than labour intensive .
21 It seems to be commonly supposed that it is description rather than theory as such which makes the most direct contribution to language teaching .
22 Coincidentally restrictions on helium sales from the USA also enter the Jones story too , though this time it is India rather than Germany that is involved .
23 When a programme has been developed to a stage where it is appropriate to subject it to observational tests it is confirmations rather than falsifications that are of paramount importance , according to Lakatos .
24 As Robert Paul Wolff pointed out in an acute critique of conventional pluralism , it is easier and more plausible to urge compromise when it is interests rather than principles which are at stake .
25 It is Leavis rather than Lewis who , when he writes of literature , sounds washed in the blood of the Lamb .
26 Deviant motivations , for example , are still taken as given ; it is conformity rather than deviance that remains problematic .
27 Unlike many of the other Community programmes , DELTA concentrates exclusively on technology and it does so in the knowledge that it is technology rather than social/educational concerns that will bridge the yawning gap between training needs and training provision in the 1990s and beyond .
28 There is a popular assumption that it is men rather than women who feel the full effects of retirement .
29 It is men rather than women who have , typically , been able to fulfil these requirements .
30 This could indicate that it is computation rather than the understanding of concepts which is stressed by teachers at this stage .
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