Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [not/n't] know [that] " in BNC.

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1 Yes very , you know , so I mean I 'm not to know that he 'd not already told somebody else .
2 I suppose I should have noticed that the sand was all trampled but I was n't to know that the sandpit was the personal stamping ground of a large bull reindeer .
3 She was n't to know that he 'd been posted to Berlin .
4 She was not to know that , once at sea , they would only be allowed on deck at certain times , like dogs let out to exercise .
5 Her will included legacies of twenty pounds each to her Frome cousins , Mary and Sarah , the daughters of her uncle John Titford ; she was not to know that Mary would die just two months before she did , though Sarah , as we shall see , survived for another five years , long enough to bless the generosity of her Surrey cousin .
6 She was not to know that Tina , sticking to her principles , had long ago slept with her cousin Jarvis .
7 But she was not to know that he had had this desire , and went into the house with head bent , feeling that she had been a failure .
8 We are not to know that new methods of correlation will not he developed ( as spores , hystrichospheres , etc. , have been developed in recent years ) to correlate the least promising.looking formations , Ultimately perhaps we shall have a little black box into which we only have to pop our rock specimen for its age to he read automatically on a dial .
9 If in addition promises were made , as it seems they were , of helping to boost wage rates , and if particular grievances were also thrown into the package , it is not necessarily paradoxical that women should have agreed both to the five-year ban on entry ( they were not to know that it would really be a permanent one ) and to the assigning of all new machines to men .
10 It was a fool 's paradise , but they were n't to know that , and it was hardly surprising that few worried much about the maintenance of British-financed production .
11 If it were not known that pupil-dilation was intimately related to neurological functioning of the brain its absence in some cases of head injury might go unremarked ; but once its significance is appreciated , such a seemingly slight symptom assumes drastic importance .
12 He does n't usually do that ; at least , it 's not known that he does .
13 They arrived on Christmas Eve 1924 , proving that high-quality electrical test recordings existed at the end of 1924 , although it is not known that any of these survive today .
14 Husameddin 's argument , moreover , ignores the facts that Shams al-Din is known to have been part of Molla Fenari 's name but not , so far as can be discovered , of that of his son and that the son was regularly referred to as Mehmed Sah whereas it is not known that Molla Fenari ever was .
15 When the plans were made it was not known that Myrtle Mott would be unable to teach during the year or that one of the days selected would coincide with an invitation for the N.D.T. to appear in Scotland .
16 Poor old Steven : he was n't to know that , while he had been busy trying to make grown-up movies , the trendiest kids had gone off Michael Jackson and the Ninja Turtles and transferred their allegiance to metal-headed dipsticks such as Bill and Ted , or Wayne and Garth from Wayne 's World , the year 's hotsiest hit-flick ( which comes down your way in May ) .
17 He was n't to know that the journalist he was expecting had opted to take the longer route overland rather than to fly out on Thursday .
18 ( He was not to know that Charles Olson , after next to no apprenticeship at all , would recklessly try to emulate him . )
19 He was not to know that because she never spoke about her feelings , she could not express them on demand .
20 He was not to know that a real fear was beginning to overwhelm Sally-Anne .
21 He was not to know that those pictures appalled her , that she had never imagined herself capable of such thoughts .
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