Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [vb pp] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I seek the authority of Jesus ; and I am led on by him to see the authority of the Bible .
2 I 'm turned on by the thought of making love to women .
3 But there are things that we 're not avail er , we 're not aware of and I 'm looked on as something of an expert , so God help those people who come and ask me er , what there is , what forms they should use and what is available on the , in the organization , if I 'm looked upon as an expert .
4 It was a relief when I was moved on to the Sports Desk ; these were gains and losses of a different kind and they did n't involve people getting killed .
5 I was sent on with a minute to go and never touched the ball .
6 The importance of this discovery can not be over-estimated , for through it I was led on to the further discovery of the Primary Control of the workings of all the mechanisms of the human organisms , and this marked the first important stage of my investigation .
7 Whether the ground actually became firmer or whether I was spurred on by fear I do not know , but I began to make better progress .
8 One afternoon I was bundled on to an open lorry where about 40 others were already shivering in the late autumn frost .
9 I was operated on for the first time when I was two or three weeks old .
10 I was bumped on to the rail six or seven times and I think I would have been in the first four but for that , ’ he said .
11 I was taken on as a staff programme researcher for " Here Today " , Salary : £1,100 .
12 My father died erm sixteen years ago and I was put on to tranquillizers , up until that point I had never needed a drug in my life , and I was put onto tranquillizers and I had a terrible experience !
13 It 's laughable but at the time it was n't laughable but when you think back , this man that I was put on with , he was acting guard foreman .
14 Yes erm during the h the Probably one of the reasons I was set on to start with , was the tremendous amount of house building .
15 I was whipped on against every natural instinct .
16 I was took on to be able to keep the written terms and conditions .
17 It happened when I was forced on to a very low fat diet for health reasons ( I had a gall bladder that grumbled very painfully when I ate fatty food ) .
18 Again I was smiled on by one who I am sure was Val Gielgud .
19 do not be alarmed if you are passed on from your initial solicitor ( perhaps the one who did your house conveyancing ) to another .
20 BELVILLE : Let me see how you are come on in your writing .
21 ‘ If you 're forced to live on benefits you 're thrown on to such a low level that you ca n't dress properly for interviews or even afford the travel involved .
22 Sunday night rounds the event off with a bizarre juxtaposing of gigs : downstairs in the main hall it 's Mayhem Central , where the venue 's somewhat implausible design means that unless you 're stuffed on to the raised dancefloor you can see bugger all of the bands .
23 The nervous tension of dodging and ducking about a sky crowded with equally dodging and ducking planes , some firing , some looking as if they might fire at any instant , some sheering wildly away to avoid a collision ; and all the time trying to grab a quick shot at a mere point of light : all this brought back the strain of combat , when you were pressed on by the excitement of chasing the enemy , pulled back by the horror of shooting a friend , and periodically shaken with fright by the thought that at any second you might be cut in two .
24 You were taken on as a boy and er you got a boy 's wages but you were expected to do as much work as a man .
25 In certain extreme circumstances , Her Majesty may find herself in a position in which she is called on to use her discretion in making a political decision .
26 She was waited on by Penman .
27 But she was relied on to be correct , so no-one disturbed her as she worked , her arthritic hands holding a stubby pencil , her long , old-fashioned mask covering her mouth as she murmured to herself .
28 She was waved on by a sharp-eyed young officer , who boasted he could smell a smuggler from fifty yards away .
29 She was turned on to her stomach and handcuffs and thumbcuffs were applied to her , ’ Mr Williams added .
30 Clearly Helen has looked for ‘ explanations ’ to help her deal with such a painful experience , and the one she seems to have come up with is that she was picked on for the way she looks .
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