Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The WISARD machine and logical neural nets have structure and function resembling multi-layer perceptrons , but the individual nodes in them are made from 1-bit direct access memories .
2 If you were promoted from general secretarial duties to organizing the flow of work through the typing pool you can assume you ‘ have qualities of leadership and organizational skills ’ .
3 In December nineteen eighty seven she was transferred from intensive care to a main ward , but it was not until February nineteen eighty eight that she fully emerged from coma .
4 Behind , and on two sides , she was protected from cold and poison gas by the leaves of a high screen decorated with scraps by a hand long since dead .
5 As this is being written ( in 1985 ) , the publicity given to the case of Jasmine Beckford , who died after she was returned from public care to her parents ' care , will ensure that social workers will once again be reminded of the need to respond to the apparently contradictory demands of society both to intervene effectively and to respect family autonomy .
6 So we 're protected from volatile politics and and situations .
7 Probably too much so on the political side , in so far that er er looking back , it seems that w w we were isolated from other young people , in so far that we were associated with straight political er activity and er straight political movement .
8 Soon , we were rescued from moral danger ;
9 They are manufactured from artificial grass that is sand based so that they are more receptive to well- hit shots .
10 Otherwise , they are made from similar grapes , matured in the same sort of oak barrels and aged for just as long before release .
11 These are similar to ceramic tiles , but are unglazed and come only in a range of earth/terracotta/red colours as they are made from unrefined clay .
12 They are made from cast alloy , and consist or a lower lip on which the shelf rests , and a slightly shorter upper lip , which securely grips the shelf using a tension screw .
13 They are made from cast alloy , and consist of a lower lip on which the shelf rests , and a slightly shorter upper lip , which securely grips the shelf using a tension screw .
14 They are distinguished from medallion-and-corner schemes by the totemistic quality of the forms and frequent repetition of the dominant motif ( pls. 3 , 14 , 16 , 19 , 28 ) .
15 In many ways , the St Lawrence belugas have provided a perfect opportunity for scientists to study the effects of contaminants on a wild whale population , since they are isolated from other groups , and live in a river system known to be contaminated .
16 These pellets may accumulate in great concentrations if they are deposited from regular nest or roost sites ( Southern , 1954 ; Lockie , 1955 ; Dare , 1961 ; Simms , 1961 ; McNally , 1964 ; Dean , 1973 ; Glue , 1971,1977 ; Glue & Hammond , 1974 ) .
17 Companies with a regular collection can include SWIFTAIR items in their post if they are separated from other mail by an elastic band .
18 In particular , the reason that adjectives such as alive and asleep do not occur prenominally is that they are derived from adverbial phrases , and they continue to occupy only those places available to adverbial phrases qualifying a noun phrase .
19 Other groups may have bettered these results ; they are gleaned from Special Action Feedbacks which had been received by AIBS at the time we went to press .
20 So much for the ancestral sources of signals : let us consider the evolutionary process by which they are modified from ancestral behaviour to elaborate signal .
21 Hockney 's unruffled swimming pools find their counterpart in innumerable Greek baths graced by languid youths whose bodies look as though they are sculpted from Imperial Leather .
22 explain this by looking at the political reasons why many women do not receive the pensions that would raise them economically ; that is , they are excluded from key decision-making structures .
23 They are removed from real-life and are neither subject to the rule of the land nor the mystery of the sea .
24 As reports flood in [ in this case they are drawn from contemporary accounts ] groups must produce a front page story about the cholera .
25 But despite these problems the method receives powerful support from the practical comparison of the representation of coin issues in hoards and the size of those issues where they are known from mint records .
26 And as in all their kitchens , they 're made from extra thick , heavy-weight materials .
27 Try to avoid wearing tight fitting trousers or underwear , especially if they 're made from artificial fibres .
28 In fact they were painted from dead specimens , and to get within range of a naturalist was a misfortune for a nineteenth-century bird or animal ; but Audubon painted them against realistic backgrounds , and in more or less plausible action .
29 They were made from six-inch squares of crotchet work , sewn together , each square a different colour and texture , made , I supposed , from odd ends of wool conserved by generations of thrifty peasants .
30 They were made from painted lead . ’
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