Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [prep] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was a fight but now that I am at college you can believe I am the happiest girl around here .
2 And if p is false then no matter how sure I am of p I do not know it .
3 ‘ When I am on holiday I love to get away to the sun to a place where there is no television or telephone .
4 She explains : ‘ I take a very deep breath before I get on the plane and then as soon as I am on board I get out all my make-up and put it on the table in front of me and spend hours putting it on .
5 I would like to put emphasis on the following fact : When I am on concrete it does n't matter who the runway belongs to .
6 Whenever I am in Barcelona I expect to run into Jordi , even today , thirty years later , in a totally different , freer , happier Spain .
7 Tall , but not gigantic ; shorter than I am , in fact , and when I am in France I never find myself towering over people like a Gallic chieftain .
8 And indeed it 's a sign of the times that I speak not with a mitre metaphorically upon my head but perhaps the glengarry of the convenorship of the Central Council of ACTS and therefore I am in part your servant here .
9 You 're saying in charge is sort of like , I am in charge which is like this .
10 ‘ Well , when I 'm at home one has to show the flag . ’
11 I 'm gon na buy , next time I go to MacDonalds when I 'm at home I 'm gon na get quarterpounder cheese a MacChicken Sandwich , large fries and and a
12 you 're responsible for mine and if I 'm at work I 'm responsible for yours , I wrote to the D H S S
13 Now I 'm at college there 's only a kind of vacuum .
14 Probably when they see I 'm at Keele they 'll know I 'm stupid anyway .
15 and erm you know , and I said Carla needs it for work anyway so Dave said I 'm gon na while I 'm on holiday I 'm gon na do all the stupid jobs , so I can take that computer in
16 I know what he feels , because even when I 'm on vacation I 've got ta do something . ’
17 Because I 'm on T.V. I have to keep it looking the same and so it 's trimmed every five to six weeks .
18 When I 'm on tour I normally write little ideas down in my diary and hang on to them until it 's writing time .
19 So when I 'm on tour my guitar playing hurts a little bit , and it usually takes three or four days to get my chops back . ’
20 Even when I 'm on days I have n't the cash to go gallivanting up West every night . ’
21 ‘ On the nights I 'm on duty I work from seven-thirty to nine-thirty .
22 ‘ When I 'm on stage it 's just me rattling on .
23 ‘ No , it 'll be a night out I would guess , although I 'm for home myself first , to get some shuteye .
24 ‘ When I 'm with Tommy I just try to be like him , ’ Iain had told the police .
25 When I 'm round Jimmy I right Kevin .
26 I go to various salons and when I 'm in London I get it cut and coloured at Macmillans in Covent Garden — they 're really good .
27 I 'm in London I 'm in the nick I 'm in fucking Paddington Green for Christ 's sake , the high-security station they use for the Provos and they think I 'm so dangerous so much a security risk they 've got me here and even holding me under the Prevention of Terrorism Act Jesus God because some of them still are n't convinced they are n't dealing with some unholy alliance of the IRA , Welsh Nationalists and uppity jocks .
28 I 'm in bicycles myself . ’
29 Normally when he and I were with girls he would be all competitive , even if he was n't meaning to be .
30 I were in power there would n't be any money no need for it !
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