Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] they [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Karl tucked Erika 's arm under his as they crossed the bridge over the green , splintered ice of the Spree which formed a chill moat around the great museums , by the great dome of the Protestant Cathedral , and on to the broad stretch of Unter den Linden .
2 Joe tucked Maureen 's arm under his as they left the house .
3 The Crickets told me that they enjoyed the show .
4 ‘ Somebody told me that they saw the Bad Seeds recently and the show was being recorded , and that Blixa had had his volume knob turned down the whole time !
5 If my children came home and said to me that they got the cane at school I 'd have just said well you must have deserved it .
6 He brought his horse alongside theirs as they rounded the corner and the dark green spire of Godstowe Priory came into sight .
7 At the end of the promenade they could take a flight of steps down to rocks that were slippery with seaweed , and clamber over them until they reached the shingle .
8 Unfortunately , the survey did not ask them if they sold the products about which they said they had received insufficient training .
9 There would hardly have been harmony between them if they had the same desires , if their interests coincided , if they were a threat to each other .
10 The Scottish people whom I meet who work in the shipyards at Yarrow take pride in building ships for the Royal Navy whose orders would presumably be lost to them if they had the pleasure of being represented by an SNP policy .
11 There God dwelt among them and they saw the visible manifestation of his presence .
12 He had so many wives that there was no counting them and the wives had so many young that even Frith could not count them and they ate the grass and the dandelions and the lettuces and the clover and El-ahrairah was the father of them all . "
13 But they were unable to spin out their game for long ; impatience got the better of them and they returned the puppy , which stood shivering under its mother 's tongue as she licked it clean of foreign influences .
14 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit . ’
15 At the end of one particularly painful lesson , Miss Hatherby did release them and they stalked the room stiffly , pecking at the furniture and flapping their wings , to Constance 's great delight .
16 This did n't bother Kenny at all as he more or less ignored them and they did the same to him .
17 The other three turned to fly up the estuary , which was stupid , as the tide was against them and they lost the wind .
18 ‘ I thought my family and colleagues would faint when they saw me but they loved the new me instantly , ’ she said .
19 I separated them but they died the next day .
20 Normally she looked down her nose at men and then ignored them unless they needed the sharp edge of her tongue .
21 Mr Davidson , who runs a pizza takeaway on High Northgate , Darlington , said : ‘ They stopped me because they thought the engine numbers were filed away and the car was stolen .
22 As the factor came out , it shut behind him and they heard the bars and chains go on .
23 Mark Napier led a brief revival , hitting 71 , but no-one stayed with him and they finished the overs on for nine .
24 . He married her and they had the one down at the lifeboat slip .
25 He laughed back at her and they left the pub hand in hand .
26 He was teasing her with this leisurely foreplay , stoking the fires inside her until they reached the point where they could no longer be contained .
27 They heard Fats Domino on the radio and tried to copy him but they got the bass drum and the snare all wrong and in the end they created this new music .
28 Alice , who had several times caught Tom looking admiringly at her while they were coming up there in the tube , and could not forget the way he had held out his hand to her while they sang the duet , wondered if having the room next to his was a good idea .
29 She had admonished him before they left the hotel to drink no more than one glass , and his brother , Chuck , who was sipping his own wine confidently without the restraint of any such embargo , looked down and laughed good-naturedly at his indecision .
30 It was also highly theatrical , as his whole adult life had been : an airliner diverted to an unexpected destination , the body found dead on arrival , people already waiting at his destination to greet him before they heard the shocking news , grief and incredulity on all sides as the story spread around the world .
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