Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] he [vb past] into " in BNC.

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1 Together she and he slammed into it .
2 What did Marek Nowak tell you before he went into his coma ? ’
3 The three of them went into the hallway , the doctor leaving them while he went into Leeming 's room to carry out his duties .
4 However , King was determined to catch him and he moved into the lead for the next two laps before Joey hit back and with a speed of 110.34mph regained the advantage .
5 The memory was too much for him and he erupted into loud , desperate sobs , a pitiful sound to hear .
6 She rubbed him until he ejaculated into the bathwater .
7 ( He was courting a friend and fellow student of mine , and used to fly low over the village and perform aerobatics to show his love for her until he got into trouble for it . )
8 Obviously , the appropriate adjective failed him because he burst into riotous laughter , abandoned the shoe and left .
9 POLICE gave a driver a shower before B-testing him after he fell into a slurry pit while trying to flee at Uckfield , Sussex .
10 ‘ That was Ivo , my housekeeper 's husband , ’ Vendelin Gajdusek enlightened her as he fell into step with her and she sharpened up her pace , to match his .
11 He was already thinking of what he would write to her as he turned into the main road :
12 All heads turned to watch him as he reached into his pocket and took out three multicoloured balls .
13 The soft sound of the other man 's laughter followed him as he stepped into the foyer .
14 Looking at him as he stared into the night , she felt a surge of affection as pure and as uncomplicated as the flow of cold air against her face .
15 The first thing she noticed about him as he walked into her office was that he looked tired and rather drawn .
16 Using the rock and the darkness as cover , she watched him as he broke into motion and that powerful stroke carried him out to the rocks and back .
17 When the votes of thanks and other formalities were over , I was able to have a brief word with him as he emerged into the vestibule .
18 Two thoughts visited him as he slipped into dreams .
19 Another young man told me how a Lubavitch rabbi helped him when he got into trouble with the police .
20 And it did n't worry him when he got into the sensitive parts with his drill ; my strangled cries were of no avail and he carried on remorselessly to the end : I had the impression that Hector thought it was cissy to feel pain , or maybe he was of the opinion that suffering was good for the soul .
21 Rex and I had annoyed him by belittling the Levellers over lunch and there was no reasoning with him when he got into one of his self-righteous moods , so we left him to it .
22 He looked right whatever he wore , so handsome that girls stood up to catch a glimpse of him when he walked into a café .
23 Her father 's ship was on convoy duty in the North Sea , and her mother had gone to live in Glasgow so she could see him when he came into port .
24 Sean had always looked around him when he went into people 's houses .
25 He remembers clearly the sight which greeted him when he went into the end terrace house where the body lay .
26 In fact so engrossed with her movements was he that he bumped into a young woman who was struggling with an impossibly heavy suitcase .
27 So we built this snowman round this rock and this car came back cos he came he just came in to hit it and he burst into and broke his bumper .
28 He spent three years on it till he got into Sakata .
29 Hazel had impressed him mightily , seven years ago , in bed : by not getting out of it when he got into it … the office telephone rang many times that Monday , but none of the callers had anything to say about Offensive from Quasar 13 .
30 Under Sched 2 , para ( c ) , a clause is more likely to be held reasonable if the party knew or should have known of it when he entered into the contract .
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