Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] i be in " in BNC.

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1 but you 're on about something else , you said the first thing I 'd do , that 's got nothing to do with Harold Wilson the first thing I if I were in power
2 I hardly knew how I was able to face it , either then or at any other time of my life in this mocking world , but I did , though it did not seem to me that I was in any way heroic — just the opposite , in fact .
3 It proved to me that I was in earnest , that I was truly resolved .
4 It did n't occur to me that I was in labour because it was too early .
5 ‘ The horse is new to me and I am in the process of sweetening him up , ’ Richards said , ‘ so it is impossible to rate him with my other winners .
6 Well when we went there was Phyllis , Julie , and me and I was in the middle of because I 'd never been on ice skates before , I 'd been roller skating holding each side of them right , and they let me go and I just went and I was going down and I went bang right on the bloody side .
7 ‘ John came up to me , asked me if I was in pain then took hold of the jack , ’ said Mr Trueman , of Chaddesden , Derby .
8 IT NEVER struck me until I was in the sixth form that the activity pursued by scientists had any direct link with the everyday world .
9 If anyone in the club had been left with any doubt that you and I are in love , that touching little display on the dance floor must have convinced them otherwise . ’
10 ‘ Sorry to ring you at school , but I wanted to get hold of you and I 'm in the theatre in the evenings . ’
11 When you and I were in our slit trenches sheltering from the shit that 's flying about , these two here were running around the orchard picking up the dead and wounded . ’
12 Or perhaps I should say that Mike went to Bracken Cottage while you and I were in Bruges .
13 Me and , you and I was in there on do n't know when , years ago .
14 I tell you when I was in here it was just keeping calm .
15 I met them because I 'm in love with Gillian .
16 If I had to describe her , I would say that she was a sensible , down-to-earth woman , dressed plainly and cleanly , understanding what I was experiencing , yet sighing at my folly and patiently keeping an eye on me till I was in a stronger state again .
17 The DHSS reckoned someone was signing on for me while I was in prison .
18 Pop down and put a bet on for me while I 'm in conference , there 's a love . ’
19 But will you speak to me while I 'm in Weatherbury ?
20 It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry , that the coffee would have to be quick .
21 Would you mind telling her that I 'm in Seabourne and I think I 'm going to be late for our appointment at two o'clock ?
22 Mum guessed there was something and in the end I told her that I was in love with a married man .
23 ‘ I was in such shock that I wanted to phone round Julie 's friends but she had taken her contacts book with her and I was in a panic .
24 Who would look after him when I was in gaol ?
25 Every Back To The Planet product will have ‘ Daydream ’ on it if I 'm in charge .
26 So you know , I say things like oh I 'm going down to see Zoey now before dinner and like she 'll follow me down or something and I 'll say oh are you going into the saloon or like to try and get her to not come with me , then I feel so guilty I think well poor Marina , you know , she 's here in a foreign country , she has n't got any friends and she 's all by herself and I would n't like it if I was in her position
27 Well , that was it and I was in a daze .
28 During the critical weeks of growing unrest and public strike , he and I were in daily touch , trying to understand the situation and see what could be done to solve the difficulties .
29 I was getting it while I was in there , so it did n't really bother me .
30 People would look at me and think , ‘ No , she 's not the type , she would never try to top herself ’ , but I tried to do it when I was in Cookham Wood .
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