Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] take [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 Ledwith and Crothers were described as window cleaners , and it was alleged that while one of them was inside a telephone box and the other was outside , P. C.s Roberts and Pearce arrested them and took them to the Bridewell .
2 She buys them and takes them to and all
3 One or two books were missing from the study shelves ; perhaps guests had simply borrowed them and taken them to their rooms .
4 ‘ I can arrange for you to fly to Turkey , where the Americans will meet you and take you to safety .
5 themselves and cut themselves and for , for Allah and whatnot hit and he had two policemen , now if they had , they 're , they 're not allowed to stop you and ask for your identification unless they have policeman with them , but they can arrest you and take you to their police station and they can be quite intimidating and , but they were going round , there was American service in there who have little cards written on it , they said they do n't have to cover their heads they , they 're allowed to do just as well as they please
6 The rumour was , they stripped you and took you to the adventure zone .
7 It had been arranged that a trustworthy man would come then to collect him and take him to a safe house .
8 Sure enough , someone met him and took him to the adjutant of No .
9 He made coffee , then found the piece of paper Roxborough had given him and took it to the phone .
10 South Clwyd Coroner John Hughes said he had been impressed by the courage of the other crew members of the Warrior and medics who had pulled L Cpl Edwards from the vehicle , tried to resuscitate him and taken him to hospital .
11 Once outside he linked arms with her and took her to the little pub that the station staff used .
12 To her surprise , a ground hostess met her and took her to a VIP lounge , where Adam was waiting .
13 The uncle had apparently come to the school gates at the end of school and when the girl was a little way on her way home had caught up with her and taken her to his house .
14 With care he lifted it and took it to the mouth of the chamber .
15 He looked round for the phone , found it and took it to the woman , laying it in her lap .
16 ‘ I 'll arrange for someone to collect it and take it to my London office .
17 of course it is , but we 've got to plan it and take it to , I mean
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