Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] i [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 There 'd been some snow , and erm er he was n't well , and could I if I cared I could look for a work elsewhere , as i it was just impossible for him to pay wages , you see ?
2 I said well no I cos I said I expected a co I think she deserved a more than a commended .
3 No erm but when I when I have I 'm so used to having it up and all tucked back when I have it down I feel scruffy
4 And er I I as I say I moved up into the next er school .
5 But I As I say I were young and I would n't have been paying particular attention .
6 Erm n I as I say I could n't see her the bed it was it was a duvet and .
7 But I as I say I go in there
8 No really no I as I say I we when I came down here
9 I do n't know how , I , I as I say I ca n't figure it out how they work it out though because I mean are they
10 I remember a go , a go with some of them that I thought I could do , but realised I ca n't do , do you know what I mean ?
11 Well you know I agree with ya and I think I think
12 Well of course she came running to me , you see , and we immediately phoned for the doctor , you see but , however , and I said , look , phone for the doctor , I said , and then I said go across to the railway police just across the yard and I asked one of them to come to me and I said I will go up with her and be with her until the doctor arrived , er he was with her the police sergeant when she died .
13 but erm I said to her over there , I said er , well excuse me I said er da er er a doctor , I , I said took a urine test for me and I said I want to know that I , if he knew the results ?
14 Then I tried swimming , but what with the current and the fucking cassock — and then bang I got hit in the ribs like someone had kicked me and I thought I was a goner , it must be a rock I thought and I gave up and sort of passed out .
15 She looked at me and I thought I saw something stirring in her watery blue eyes but it was just a random current fizzing somewhere .
16 did he say for me and I thought I was going to go
17 It really did n't feel like it was such big stuff , it was just happening to me and I believed I was going to be all right .
18 ‘ I was aware of players from both sides running towards me and I shouted I would clear it .
19 I 'd like to stay here on the floor but there 's cars beeping at me and I think I 'm lying in the road , so I push myself up and sort of crawl to the pavement .
20 Erm there are again there is information , there 's lots of packages on environment there 's boo , booklets on it which Catherine gave to me and I think I need to think about specific areas in the school like Milvia 's doing but not to overlap if Milvia does think about that , to try something else , some other way .
21 Blaming it on the Company would be just a fallback — you would n't believe me if I said I was n't drinking of that but you might believe me if I say we 'd prefer the good old British way : that nothing happened and there 's no blame at all .
22 ‘ God , would you fancy me if I said I was ?
23 When he asked me if I played I admitted that I had done so but insisted that I really was very bad .
24 Well I did think about it but the Careers Officer advised me no cos he thought that you have to be really really good before y get in and he asked me if I thought I was really good and I said that well I was not too bad but and he said that he thought it would be better to concentrate on something else .
25 They asked me if I wanted me P forty five framed or unframed .
26 It 's the first day I 've been with them and I thought I do n't know .
27 Well , there will be a certain amount of explanation that will have to be done , because Geoffrey Howe is a well known , well liked figure among many people that I deal with er but now , and for some time now , for a year now , it 's I who have been dealing with them and I hope I 've inherited some of the work and some of the trust which he helped to create .
28 I 'd rather him not travel it , I 'd rather him stop here on Sunday and not come home so that he 's got ample rest , cos he 's not getting it I , I , I du n no , I , I might be wrong , but he moans at me cos I knock me
29 Yes , why I am asking you or I did I say
30 Why is it so important to you that I admit I 'm a thief ?
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