Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [vb past] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He was walking very rapidly , far faster than Shiva was going in the opposite direction , from a building with long windows and white-uniformed men and girls behind them that looked like a lab , towards the main block .
2 We reached Mandalay and I went straight to the Winchester Mission where dear Willie Garrad looked shocked to see me and said in a scandalised voice , ‘ Oh , but you ca n't possibly stay here ’ — it was a Brotherhood you see !
3 My son , Robyn visited me and peered with a concerned , academic interest , and we came closer together than ever before .
4 Passing beneath the arch the children felt the slope beneath them and tumbled into a trot , the echoes of their stamping feet sending the pigeons plummeting from their perches .
5 Mothers with small children particularly hated them and longed for a house with a garden ( Gittus , 1976 ) .
6 He added : ‘ Derby gave us plenty of problems when we drew there , but we stood up to them and worked for a result .
7 There were the Lucas boys with their model railway , there were a couple of evacuees with their mothers , there was a German Jewess refugee with her adopted child , there was a friend who lived with them and helped at a school and her children were in and out a lot .
8 They left the Grand Canal behind them and glided through a labyrinth of quieter waterways .
9 When my Noble Friend was kind enough to say that he looked to me for help as being I think he said an ornament on the front bench , was n't quite certain whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not , but I thought an ornament or something that you that sat upon a er er er er er upon a shelf and looked pretty , but did n't actually do anything .
10 Once , he galloped straight towards them but came to a stop a few yards away , rearing on his hind legs before continuing his wild circling .
11 There was something of kinship about her that registered on a purely instinctive level , and in a way that the thing could not interpret .
12 ‘ Leo ! ’ she yelled in exasperation , dashed after him and skidded to a halt as he stopped abruptly and turned .
13 Ken suddenly left him and went into a doorway of Hamleys , the big toy shop .
14 But Modigliani did not forget and in 1915 , when Indenbaum met him in Montparnasse , looking pale and unshaven , Modi came up to him and said in a hoarse voice , ‘ I 'm going to paint your portrait . ’
15 I leaned over him and said in a different tone , " Do you know where Toby is ? "
16 Tavalouze sidled up behind him and said in a low voice , ‘ Remove your hood , the veil .
17 Werewolf softly whistled Mark Knopfler 's Going Home from Local Hero and did n't stop even when Jenkins walked up to him and said in a plummy voice :
18 I chose as my subject the person of the Buddha , tried to relate his teaching to Christians , expressed my deep admiration for him and pleaded for a more tolerant and positive attitude towards the religion which he had founded .
19 She saw him and turned with a finger to her lips .
20 And then she reproached him and turned into a dragon , and flew away round the battlements making a terrible noise and battering the stones .
21 Well , she 'd lost her bonus now , she observed ruefully to herself as the tall dark stranger turned once more to look at her and remarked in a scathing tone of voice , ‘ I would say that , considering the state your car 's in , about the only thing it 's good for is to be used as a battering-ram . ’
22 ‘ She told me that you phoned her and asked for a meeting in town . ’
23 He turned away from her and walked to a tall window which overlooked a formal garden with little hedges , statues and fountains .
24 When they stood up she thought with ill-humoured relief that Nicole was about to step into her car and drive away , but Piers turned to her and said in a flat voice , ‘ I 'll see you later .
25 He looked at her and said in a hard voice , ‘ I do n't suppose you know what it 's like to feel simply damned useless . ’
26 She never knew how often Lachlan looked at her and thought of a slenderer , more elegant figure .
27 Then he looked at her and smiled in a shamefaced way .
28 Instantly , she felt herself tense and the butterflies in her stomach grow stronger , as the immaculately shiny black Mercedes headed swiftly for the forecourt below her and drew to a halt with a splutter of gravel .
29 Bill Hamilton smiled across the room at her and pointed at a side table where drinks and appetising titbits were laid out .
30 He looked closely at her and spoke in a slightly louder voice and more slowly .
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