Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] and over again " in BNC.

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1 I would suggest that if you are sure of your pieces , do n't read them over and over again on the way to the audition — once will be quite enough .
2 You can plan grand lectures , but in the end you really do learn by doing them over and over again , adjusting this or changing that .
3 Now he overwhelms me , he is so human , so full of moods and gentleness and wonderful tunes and things so simple-deep I play them over and over again as once I used to copy drawings I liked .
4 One explains to them over and over again the benefits : it 's quick , cheap , no hard feelings on either side — ’
5 But television tends to block this ability by filling our minds with its own images and reiterating them over and over again .
6 I do n't know how many of them are genuine , or how many of them are not genuine , and I have to deal with them over and over again .
7 As far as she was concerned , she told me over and over again , we were responsible for Dennis 's death .
8 They took me to a secret prison and raped me over and over again by forcing the barrel of a gun into me .
9 ( 10 ) He would concoct anecdotes and then he 'd tell them to me over and over again , you know , obviously not realizing that he 'd told them to me before .
10 I 've told you over and over again , I am here all the time . ’
11 ‘ You would have spent the night in my arms , Caroline , ’ he caught her hands in one of his as she began to raise them , ‘ crying out my name as I touched you , begging me to take you over and over again , until finally the sun chased away the darkness . ’
12 They told her over and over again that she must not do it , but she could n't help it .
13 In fact , he realized , she had simply adopted the words other people must have said to her over and over again .
14 Though the artist was ill with tuberculosis and had no money to pay for his keep , Marama looked after him while he painted her over and over again ; sometimes nude , sometimes dressed , and nearly always against the background of island scenery — near the waterfalls and the secret pools , in dells that laced the volcanic slopes , in the village market , in the main street of Anani .
15 He ought to take a riding-whip to that wife of his and then bed her over and over again until she 's with child . "
16 I told her over and over again , but she would n't listen . ’
17 I 've told him over and over again that you simply ca n't these days . ’
18 I should have liked to trample on the face of the first German I could find and kick him over and over again in the stomach .
19 A sudden surge of compassion washed through him , and when they reached the governor 's palace Joseph rashly thrust two piasters into the coolie 's cupped hands , thanking him over and over again in French .
20 She had told him over and over again the sequence of events on the boat .
21 Yes in fact , to be perfectly honest with you the relationship is a bit more than she wants Ron is a bit of a pain I told him over and over again not to push his luck , I said for goodness sake , Ron , be grateful for what you 've got apparently she does n't like to make love with the lights on I said well if that 's what she does n't like that 's what she does n't like , you 're not going to change a woman of sixty eight !
22 Almost as if , having proclaimed himself paralytic in court , he was setting about proving it over and over again .
23 She could have stood there all day listening to him repeat it over and over again .
24 I 'd say it over and over again in my schoolgirl French .
25 They love this game and will repeat it over and over again , provided they are not interrupted .
26 James and his wife Mabel , 64 , taped Saturday 's night 's race and watched it over and over again until 4am yesterday , with daughters Anita , 24 , and Anna , 25 .
27 Close your eyes and practice thinking it over and over again in your mind until you become proficient at blocking out all other thoughts and ideas , and can achieve a level of deep calm and relaxation .
28 Aye but can you use it over and over again or not ?
29 He 'd probably dreamed about it over and over again .
30 She could hear the Comtesse saying it over and over again .
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