Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [vb past] into " in BNC.

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1 Her arms crept around his neck , her lips softened and parted beneath his and she slid into a world of sensation so subtle and exquisite that it was almost too much to bear .
2 When I went up to investigate it the floor caved in beneath me and I fell into the middle of all those nasty plants . ’
3 So gradually I am claiming my philosophical estate and already believe in myself ; it would n't even surprise me if I turned into a poet .
4 Willie closed it carefully behind them and they walked into a wild and unkempt garden .
5 Together she and he slammed into it .
6 Since you since you came into the flats have you have you been working at all or have have you been erm
7 What did Marek Nowak tell you before he went into his coma ? ’
8 How old were you when you moved into Street in Palfry ?
9 I have to tell you the terrible things I thought about you when I stumbled into that nursery , part of the rooms you had locked away from me .
10 The three of them went into the hallway , the doctor leaving them while he went into Leeming 's room to carry out his duties .
11 Yes , the Kings of the Castle finally laid to rest the CIS Irish Senior Cup hoodoo which has haunted them since they came into bowls in 1947 .
12 She had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
13 Still gripping her arm , he pushed her ahead of him and she stumbled into a walk , unable to fight his vastly superior strength .
14 However , King was determined to catch him and he moved into the lead for the next two laps before Joey hit back and with a speed of 110.34mph regained the advantage .
15 The memory was too much for him and he erupted into loud , desperate sobs , a pitiful sound to hear .
16 They would never find her if she crawled into a cupboard and hid away .
17 She motioned to me to sit beside her and we settled into our limited verbal exchanges .
18 Jasper neatly took the packet from her and it disappeared into the heart pocket of his bomber jacket .
19 She was n't quick enough to let go and it overbalanced her and she plunged into the water next to him .
20 She had n't expected to get much sleep , but exhaustion finally overcame her and she lapsed into a fitful , restless doze , tossing and turning through the long night as dreams haunted her mind .
21 One of the men shouted after her and she broke into an awkward trot .
22 He reached for her and she slumped into his arms .
23 Jezrael gripped his fingers fiercely and he slid along the padded bench until he was beside her and she wept into the haven of his shoulder .
24 She rubbed him until he ejaculated into the bathwater .
25 The silence and emptiness of the scene did not become apparent to her until she turned into the drive of the house and realized there were no other cars parked there , no gaily clad groups tripping towards the garden , no jazz band to summon them nor hired flunkeys to greet them , no pop of champagne corks nor buzz of conversation , no bunting , no balloons , no merriment of any kind .
26 ( He was courting a friend and fellow student of mine , and used to fly low over the village and perform aerobatics to show his love for her until he got into trouble for it . )
27 Obviously , the appropriate adjective failed him because he burst into riotous laughter , abandoned the shoe and left .
28 POLICE gave a driver a shower before B-testing him after he fell into a slurry pit while trying to flee at Uckfield , Sussex .
29 You must have decided to follow her before she went into the school grounds , because otherwise you would n't have opted out of the swimming .
30 Alain looked down at her as they came into the hall .
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