Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [noun] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And you ca n't be telling me that Harry went near running water if he could help it .
2 I went to the house and got no answer then the woman next door told me that Brendan came in a posh motor car .
3 I was so offended by her behaviour towards me that tears came to my eyes .
4 When , when me and Mark looked after him
5 Me and Emma used up a whole side yesterday just us two talking !
6 Only me and Gerry knew about that . ’
7 I , me and mum went in my car
8 Thursday afternoon me and mum looked after Daniel and Benjamin , cos erm , a relative of Sarah 's died a week before and the funeral was Thursday , so , I said to mum yes I 'd go up and help her
9 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
10 I mean , me and Will met in Carter Lane … ’
11 staying open , I ai n't going , I ca n't handle it I said I just wan na get out , it was really like a sentence I just could n't stand it of course I laughed , me and Elaine went to the meeting same place , same wall and I kept looking at her and we brought you in here to say thanks , and Elaine looked at me and I looked at her and I said well if that 's all he 's got ta say I said I 'm not , I , what did I say to Elaine ?
12 Me and Andy drove into the car park at the Cambridge Exchange on Friday
13 A man got out of the chair next to me and Darnley sat beside me .
14 And I put it on my ghetto blaster yeah , me and Nicky listened to it yeah , and it comes out wicked .
15 The green drift of Undersea thickened in shadowy streams round them and Adam stood in the prow of the boat , his gaze fixed fiercely on the island .
16 THERE was very little between them and Maggie melted at once , her legs against his as Felipe 's lips moved over hers and his hands began to search her skin demandingly .
17 It seemed to be calling to them and Carrie thought of fairy tales she had read — you looked back at something behind you and were caught in its spell !
18 In the centre of all these changes , supervising them and sitting straightbacked above them on her high stool , was always Madame , the central figure in the composition of whatever new tableaux we rearranged ourself into .
19 ‘ Did I tell you that Ginny came to lunch today ? ’
20 Wearing a smart , grey check suit Mrs Davies explained how she and Gilfoyle met at the Murrayfield Hospital where she was employed as a food service assistant .
21 She and Frances fell on each other .
22 Rachel crimsoned , watching him disappear up the stairs as she and Damian walked in tense silence to the living-room .
23 She and Spike journeyed down the river until they arrived at the space station .
24 Kosi left her plastic beaker of tea steaming gently on the nearest flat surface while she and Lars headed for the centre of the room .
25 Zeinab had set it up for Owen to meet her theatrical friends at their usual cafe and as she and Owen turned into the square , there they were , occupying their usual tables on the edge of the pavement .
26 She detailed Amy to take them into the interview room and give them tea and stay with them , and she and Ben went alongside the trolley into Resus .
27 ‘ She 's not coming , ’ she replied , and she and Sebastian had to almost physically restrain him when she revealed that Rosemary 's husband was with her .
28 The cover picture of a paperback edition of She and Allan published for popular consumption in 1960 implied that this was a ‘ romantic ’ novel , but the orthodox young , handsome ‘ hero ’ depicted there bears little relation to the ‘ insignificant and withered hunter ’ whose presence , helped by that of the warrior Umslopagaas , coolly acceptant of mystery , pulls this tale of Ayesha round into the robust atmosphere of Rider Haggard 's most typical African adventures .
29 She and Miki took to the stage again with Ministry , Miki sporting a rockerific white flying V. If I can remember correctly , Howard our manager was by this time on all fours with a bottle of tequila clutched firmly between his mitts — but this is what we pay him for .
30 She and Maggie worked at The Haven hotel where they 'd been employed since leaving school three years previously .
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