Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [verb] she into " in BNC.

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1 It took every ounce of self-control he possessed not to crush her fingers with his and pull her into his arms .
2 He stood up and drew her out of her seat with him and gathered her into his arms .
3 I 'm going upstairs and I 'm stripping her and taking her into the bath with me . ’
4 He put his arm around her and led her into the room , and Maggie got up to go .
5 She 'd taken a liking to Silvia and had no wish to betray her and get her into trouble with her quarrelsome cousin .
6 ’ We stopped her and took her into the back room where we found she was n't fat at all .
7 The woman escaped and ran to a motorist after her assailant grabbed her and dragged her into private gardens .
8 So you and your family hatched a plot whereby you flirted with her and turned her stupid , innocent head ; where you pawed her and manoeuvred her into private corners until she did n't know what was happening to her !
9 Detective Sergeant Mick Ornellus , of Clacton CID , said the two men either offered or already had carried out a number of jobs for her and tricked her into parting with the money .
10 Fabia was seated beside Ven in a taxi when she realised that furious would be an understatement for what Ven would be if he ever learned that she had not only deceived him but , to add insult to injury , allowed him , believing her to be someone else , to house her and feed her into the bargain .
11 He reached out for her and pulled her into his arms , looking down at her , his hand against her face .
12 The girl was dishevelled , her hair a mess , but she only laughed as he caught her and pulled her into another room .
13 She spun to run up the stairs but he caught her and pulled her into his arms .
14 He moved swiftly , catching her and spinning her into his arms .
15 He had out-planned her , outmanoeuvred her and backed her into the proverbial corner !
16 The porter arrived with a trolley and they lowered the woman on to it and rushed her into Resuscitation .
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