Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] much that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Did you want me so much that you gave them up ? ’
2 Bag-dragging had exhausted me so much that I went back to bed and slept until afternoon .
3 It moved me so much that I started to weep , and to this day I 'm often physically moved by great paintings . ’
4 I can not paint it as beautifully as that , but it absorbs me so much that I let myself go , never thinking of a single rule …
5 Sometimes he irritates me so much that I could scream at him .
6 The knocking annoyed me so much that I tried to open the window .
7 " Scholarship , art and philosophy " , Nietzsche had presciently written nearly two years earlier , " are now growing inside me so much that I 'll be giving birth to centaurs one day . "
8 It distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and go out only in case of necessity . ’
9 ‘ Cricket gave me so much that I want to put something back into the game and teaching the youngsters how to play is a rewarding way of doing it .
10 It interested me so much that I 've lost , or won , if you like , the whole day of reading it at the busiest period with the printers I know , waiting for copy !
11 All this mental harassment has affected me so much that my doctor has warned me that I 'm of the edge of a nervous breakdown .
12 He befuddled them so much that we just ended up paying them off . ’
13 4 to 5 is relatively easy and if someone starts off at 5 they do n't need any persuading at all ( attempts to persuade them may irritate them so much that they start to move to the left ! ) .
14 The slower pace bored and irritated them so much that they longed to go back and their parents were almost glad to see them off .
15 them so much that I 'm worried about it 's the policy holders which I Mr
16 I love you so much that I just ca n't express it in words .
17 ‘ I hated you so much that I wrote back to him , telling him you had died of typhus fever at Lowood .
18 ‘ It 's been such a long time , and I want you so much that I could easily make a mess of this , ’ he confessed .
19 Now , God help me , I want you so much that I ache , ’ he growled huskily .
20 Forgive me if I hurt you , but I want you so much that I do n't know if I can hold back . ’
21 Who upset you so much that you are afraid now of being beautiful in case you get hurt again ? ’
22 Who could hate her so much that they would send her something like that ?
23 Henry continued to place the puppets in folds of Christmas paper and lay them in their boxes as he said , ‘ It 'll be like last year ; the Lord of the Manor will have bought her so much that everybody else 's presents will be eclipsed . ’
24 They were singing ‘ Forty Years On ’ as a duet , which surprised her so much that she stepped backwards and trod on the toe of the cross young man with whom she had collided that afternoon .
25 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
26 The sound of the door opening and of voices as people came out on to the deck shocked her so much that she felt physically sick .
27 That piece of information shook her so much that she put up no resistance to being led off , except to say , ‘ Where are we going ? ’
28 A picture rose in her mind of Dawn enfolded in his arms when they were alone in his surgery , and it tormented her so much that she got up hurriedly and put the little dog in a cage to await Robert 's collection .
29 He wanted to be with her so much that he could hardly breathe .
30 He hated her so much that he refused even to see her as a person .
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