Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what she 's supposed to do according to the Citizens Advice Bureau , is to control them so that she do n't annoy the neighbours
2 Told me , she actually told me once that she considered herself lucky to er , have met David , I reckon she did because er , she , she was divorced then and er of course , did n't she have a son ?
3 A member of my staff for instance , trying to report sickness absence , told me yesterday that she dialled our number and had to wait more than four minutes before being answered .
4 In fact , so bowled over was she initially that she had actually gone out to dinner with Travis one night .
5 yeah so I said oh I see , so that was that , so I think they 've got a , a meeting in a couple of weeks and they 'll sort of tell her discreetly that she has to carry on and do it what she 's been the
6 He had manoeuvred her just right , pressing her into the tightest corner , standing squarely in front of her so that she had no choice but to stare into his dark , angry face .
7 as if the kiss he had forced from her had been forgotten , he released her and swivelled , abruptly leaving her so that she had to follow like a servant at his heels .
8 His eyes had been a brand on her flesh , stripping away her clothes , caressing her so that she had felt her heartbeat quickening .
9 She was n't aware of his putting the comb aside , only of strong hands turning her so that she lay across his knees .
10 Kate sat quite still , trying hard not to let the panic that she felt overwhelm her so that she ran screaming out into the still hot afternoon .
11 The universe inside her mind exploded her out from its centre of I and other beings poured into her so that she knew their inner selves .
12 Twice she made the kind of excuse that people made at cocktail parties when they wanted to extricate themselves from a conversation and move on to talk with another guest , but five minutes later he was back at her side again , bending closer and closer towards her so that she became unpleasantly aware of the stale , alcoholic aura of his breath .
13 Even if it meant disturbing her , waking her so that she cried when put down again , she must be lifted up in Alice 's arms , held close to her and kissed goodbye .
14 Jehan took the tray of cakes out of her hands , and then he grinned ferociously at her so that she backed hastily away .
15 The experience of being molested once as a child and then a man jumping in her car at 21 yrs and her running away remained with her so that she has persistent fear of being attacked and the sense of someone being behind her .
16 He took her arm , and held it firmly by its crooked elbow , propelling her so that she did not collide with the crowds of people , and she liked to have it held .
17 Alyssia lay perfectly still under the warmth of the sun 's rays , enjoying the way the heat wrapped itself around her so that she did n't feel like moving .
18 Yet somehow Paige had always felt protective of her cousin , covering up for her so that she did n't get into trouble with her parents .
19 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
20 He threw the handkerchief carelessly into a laundry basket , then before she knew what was happening , he was kissing the tips of her fingers , then her palms , then drawing her hands towards him so that she had little choice but to slide her arms around him and receive his kiss .
21 He 'd go to her , gather her to him so that she felt the hardness of him against her .
22 For suddenly Georg 's control had snapped and he pushed her hard , violently and savagely away from him so that she spun across the room , hurtled into the table , and nearly fell .
23 Penry reached out a long arm and drew her in front of him so that she stood in the shelter of his arms as he held the wheel .
24 It occurred to her suddenly that she had forgotten to tell Urquhart what had gone on during the day , especially what Marek Nowak had told her and the disastrous arrest of Taczek .
25 It occurred to her suddenly that she had rarely enjoyed herself so much as she was now doing , seated in Dr Neil 's kitchen , dressed like a skivvy and eating a huge meal , rather than languidly nibbling at it , as she would have done at one of Aunt Nella 's ‘ At Homes ’ .
26 It occurred to her suddenly that she found the cloak-and-dagger element in all this vaguely disturbing , and totally unnecessary .
27 At least it got her out of his office without more lecturing , and when Glyn presented himself rather smugly she told him smartly that she intended to go to France and she intended to go alone .
28 When he ordered her to open the safe , she told him truthfully that she did not carry the keys .
29 It seemed to her now that she had lived in a dream .
30 Her arms hugged around herself , she stood in the phone-box for a long time after she 'd replaced the receiver and it seemed quite incomprehensible to her now that she had n't contacted her mother before .
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