Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] that [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 Later I discovered she 'd arranged for one of her friends to phone and distract me so that she could make off with her booty !
2 ‘ He was always trying to get rid of me so that he could get back to his computer .
3 ‘ He was always trying to get rid of me so that he could get back to his computer .
4 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
5 There was a sickening lurch as my chute opened and my harness tightened round me so that I could hardly breathe .
6 That 's why she would sometimes sign the order over to me so that I could put it through my account — otherwise she had to queue up at the post office , as I said . ’
7 But sheer sensation — the warmth of the sun , the scent of the air , the mundane pleasure of tea and biscuits — simple well-being possessed me so that I could only feel , not think .
8 I let her stroke me so that I could analyze the scent .
9 He agreed and said he would train me so that I could take the necessary exams .
10 He gave it to me so that I could come in and out to you as I like .
11 It was one your uncle David brought up for me so that I could get take it to pieces to make the car we 'd got better .
12 Teenagers Andrew Duff and Delightful Steven Massey ‘ saved he day ’ on each of the two Saturdays — would that we had more like them so that we could have ‘ Live Aid ’ as well as Christian Aid .
13 On his return to France he was so enthusiastic about them that he even planted a trial field and let the local population steal them so that they could experience this new vegetable for themselves .
14 The faces of the three nearly touched , as the two men leant over the table to hear what the woman had to say , and the woman leant over towards them so that they could hear her whisper .
15 In the cold dawn , with the wind pushing them so that they could hardly face each other , the King and his wife met on the slope above the battered hall .
16 I do n't think they even thought they would need to do any other sizes and they did n't proportion them so that you could interpolate .
17 Would not my right hon. Friend be insulting British farmers if he were to suggest that he should decimate the financial support available to them so that it could be given to M. Delors for use as a slush fund for so-called cohesion — a bribe to the countries of southern Europe ?
18 His hands followed the contours of her body , tracing a path along her thighs , parting them so that he could explore the moistness inside her with his fingers .
19 Then a large warm hand clamped over her own fumbling fingers and gently removed them so that he could work the latch .
20 Another more immediate solution would be to combine an outing with others who live near you so that you could get into town on a bus and then share a taxi back ; or ask a car owner to give you a lift , in exchange for petrol money and perhaps some skill that you can offer .
21 ‘ I know you did n't want me to come here tonight , but there is an enchanted magician in that box and I promised him that I would get him to you so that you could change him back .
22 ‘ And you asked her to give it to you so that you could return it to Rick .
23 Now obviously if Isobel did that , she could write some notes in a form that was actually readable for you so that you could actually I mean I know the discussion would be more difficult but you would have quite a lot of information from her to go on .
24 It does n't matter what you think , it 's what people round here think and I can tell you now that you could get yourself into serious trouble . ’
25 She had a crop of them now that she could n't get rid of , even though she was using that acne treatment that worked wonders for the girl on the telly advert .
26 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
27 Antoine faltered , sagging against her so that she could barely sustain his weight .
28 And though she half hoped that Friend would wheel alongside her so that she could ignore him , he did n't appear .
29 Quickly , Alina stepped around her so that she could hold Sandy 's head in both of her hands ; Sandy made a weak attempt to struggle , but it was like fighting a rock .
30 With an effort , she drove from her mind the thought of the return journey , filling it instead with the experience of the moment , absorbing the sights , the impressions and sensations , storing them in her brain , wishing she had a notebook with her so that she could record them in all their vividness and immediacy .
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