Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He pulled them on and looked sourly across at the friar .
2 I untied my boots which were laced together round one of the bed-posts , put them on and jumped down .
3 Pupils should be encouraged to formulate first the questions they need to answer by using such sources , so that they use them effectively and do not simply copy verbatim ;
4 Ryan he says it 's foolish , cards , he says mum when you just , you just put them somewhere and forget where you put them , so he says I 've decided to buy you oh this looks a lovely one
5 Evelyn looked across at Rose sitting in the midst of them all but managing somehow to remain completely apart .
6 But when he came to trade them in and filled in his application , he was told he was beyond the age limit .
7 A brightly polished black Citron followed them in and drew up beside Duclos ' horse .
8 Rincewind put them down and nodded grimly .
9 Write them down and explain why you have chosen them .
10 He 's never sure whether to patronise the audience for their stupidity , understand and gee them on , cool them down or join in .
11 Had this been any other occasion , he would have lowered his head respectfully and more or less closed his eyes , watching Bill Brice out of the corner of them so as to know when to open them again , and murmuring amen where appropriate .
12 If you stir enough of them together and stand back for a few hundred million years , the result is likely to be a chemical entity capable of reproducing itself — one of the fundamental differences between living and nonliving material .
13 A turning point came the day Charlotte 's cousin saw them together and reported back , ‘ She 's actually quite ordinary — and she wears red shoes !
14 Finally , several servants climbed on the roof , and as they came nearer , the monkey put me down and ran away .
15 Cutting that over the numbers had me down and stopped well before the first intersection , a distance of around 400 metres , and I could have done much better if I 'd heaved on the brakes , which are single Goodyear discs with excellent stopping power .
16 ‘ Let me down and find out . ’
17 ‘ Actually , love , as I more than hinted earlier , I prefer you like this … ’
18 ‘ Pick 'er up an' bring up 'er wind .
19 If someone persists in being awkward , then as leader you can choose to continue the discussion with them elsewhere and move on to another questioner .
20 He covered his face with his hands , then took them away and looked down at the earth .
21 ‘ Throw them away and come back with me . ’
22 Then she gave up trying to scrape them away and stood there weakly , motionless with horror .
23 So , naturally we started to feed them separately and became more careful when giving them titbits .
24 You may not wish to write them all but imagine them nevertheless and draft out the pattern of the story .
25 He sat back , regarded me coolly and shrugged complacently .
26 John says ‘ You 've sent me away and do n't love me . ’
27 She called me over and pointed down .
28 For over a year she had been cutting out coupons from magazines and sending off for make-up samples that she had kept hidden in a small suitcase in the boathouse ; since her grandmother 's death she had brought them indoors and experimented openly , primping all day long , leaving streaks of grease everywhere , on the table cloth , on the bathroom shelves .
29 Take them off and look around .
30 Frustrations will cloud your horizons for a time but you will shake them off and emerge well pleased with your efforts .
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