Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Modular or unit credit courses are currently the subject of much discussion in higher education , but interest in them in this country dates back to the 1970s ( much earlier in the USA ) when , for example , the Nuffield team produced a report on them rather facetiously called The Container Revolution ( Mansell 1976 ) .
2 Now she 'll transmit in code every hour , on the hour , and you 'll read those signals and write them down then give a receipt .
3 I 've seen them down there have a big bone through that , have they , looks as if that 's been boned
4 It takes them long enough to cut a way through to the chimney of the air shaft , sawing through the rhodie branches and tearing away the brambles and other undergrowth ; then they lever off the iron grating over the shaft without any difficulty , and one of the younger cops , in an overall and a hard hat , wraps the rope around himself — proper climbing rope they had in the back of one of the Range Rovers — and abseils down into the darkness .
5 Cressid , I love thee in so strained a purity , That the blest gods , as angry with my fancy , More bright in zeal than the devotion which Cold lips blow to their deities , take thee from me .
6 The right hon. Lady has seen the various groups to which I have referred , and I accept that the list is a long one , but she did not bring them together collectively to discuss a consensus .
7 I need a , I so desperately need a shag .
8 Eventually I was able to convince my senior officers that anthropology was one of the social sciences , perhaps only because I somewhat sardonically returned a memo which asked ‘ why , if anthropology is not approved , have I just been allowed to read the subject on a Bramshill Scholarship , on full pay and allowances ? ’
9 I better not put a star on this one though had I cos
10 I only just caught the train , and when , a quarter of an hour later , we pulled in to Lochgair , and I should have got my bag and quit the Sprinter and walked to the house and finally have talked — sober , and not in the context of a game of Alternative Charades — to my father , and apologised , and spent the three hours until the next Glasgow train with my mother and father in some longed-for spirit of reconciliation , I did nothing of the sort .
11 Finally I turned and started back , not conscious of anything , my mind still locked in on the impression the place had made so that I only vaguely heard a voice calling me .
12 ‘ Actually I only ever drank the odd beer , ’ he says .
13 Perhaps I 'm still punishing him by penning this recollection , or am I perhaps finally laying the ghost ?
14 Well I not only got the job , I was made principal ( and that another miracle ) and Douglas not only supports me , He 's going to join me later .
15 My world of science is so much richer than theirs , because I not only know the systematic names , but I am also fluent in the trivial ones , the scientific nicknames which allow us to chat about science over coffee .
16 That day , I not only forgot the can of fruit and the opener when I sat down to lunch , but was up and down , putting on more clothes and trying to find the most sheltered spot in relation to the wheelbarrow .
17 She said , ‘ Sweetie , do n't forget I not only need the right man for me , but the right stepfather for Dickie .
18 I just always remember the sad spectacle of him floundering against Sharpe ( or was it Giggs ) in that semi .
19 And I erm , just picked that up in a garage some place , thought it was such a cool , I just really liked the picture .
20 And then I just never understood a word of what he said .
21 Er , I used not to do that , I used to put everything in one list , and then my home telephone was cut off one time , er , because I just never regarded the personal things as being terribly important until , you know , I do n't have to pay well over a hundred quid to get the thing fixed again .
22 But , erm , unless it 's freezing cold , I do n't like it , but I just absolutely adore a cold , a cold long glass of milk .
23 so did I , I just about chuck the
24 After pipping Swedish pair Per-Ulrik Johansson and Fredrik Lindgren , by one shot , thanks to birdies at the last two holes , he said : ‘ I was so far away I just about saw the ball disappear .
25 I generally only knit the ribber at a looser tension and leave the main bed at its usual ribbed tension .
26 I once again felt the great current of war , the European death-wish , rushing me along .
27 I once more smell the dew and rain , and relish versing .
28 I once more smell the dew and rain
29 Could I ever again trust the being I had turned into a sort of god ?
30 So here ended my first tour and I could not claim that I ever actually had a clear view of any German target , save that which we did locate with the aid of Jimmy Marks ' experiment northeast of Rotterdam in mid-June 1940 .
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