Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [prep] [art] next " in BNC.

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1 I think both he and Weatherall are outstanding prospects , but need an ‘ old head ’ to bring them on over the next couple of years ( pity about O'Leary ) .
2 I think it opens up the child 's awareness to what 's available and what 's coming erm moves them on into the next century really .
3 But their real function is to give people a chance to be famous for five minutes , by saying something that will get them on to the next news broadcast .
4 In every generation , REPRODUCTION takes the genes that are supplied to it by the previous generation , and hands them on to the next generation but with minor random errors — mutations .
5 At the meeting , it was decided that County , the underwriters Dillon Read and Phillips & Drew would take some of the remaining shares and then sell them slowly over the next few weeks , a move which had been discussed with County 's lawyers beforehand .
6 yes and that , that in a way leads me on to the next party , if we 're gon na have an agreement between this group or , you know , the other group
7 If you have any views about ways in which we could help each other in such situations perhaps you 'd like to jot them down for the next newsletter .
8 Murray bought his compass and they walked on together , beginning the skein of meaningless jokes and catchwords which was to bind them together in the next few weeks .
9 He led me through to the next room , and up against the wall there lay a stack of some ten to fifteen canvases .
10 Erm , can I take you on to the next one which is twelve B two .
11 He should then carry you on with the next question .
12 ‘ I will have a few casts here , Blair , then follow you down to the next pool , ’ I suggested .
13 And , by zinc galvanizing all the bare metal , Audi is able to offer a 10 year guarantee against rusting , which should see you nicely into the next millennium .
14 I hope to see most of you personally over the next few weeks but if I do n't then can I say ‘ Thanks ’ and ‘ All the Best for a healthy and prosperous future . ’
15 Then , as the heel touches the ground , lock your ankle and shift your weight forward with the knee bent , rocking forward onto the toes and using them to push you off to the next step .
16 If we 've not answered your question in this programme , I shall be writing to you directly during the next few days .
17 If your marriage is on the rocks , the thing to do is throw a wobbly on a motorway at night so that your husband will put you out at the next lay-by .
18 So I 'll pick them up at the next brief .
19 Re Reg er er , er say we had er say , twenty ton o twenty ton of oats come in and we soon used them up before the next lot , I 'll start on the next lot he , the sample man 'd come in , you know , sample in come them oats he 'd come up perhaps , when they come in , check the first two or three sacks with me , you see , and then I 'd have to get a rubber get a bowl full of oats , bowl full of whole oats put into the rubber , see and get a bowl full of whole and put them through the crusher and crush the main , like , you know , like we used to have , just squeeze them , you know crack them
20 I think its possible to fall in love with the same person more than once , you fall in love with them and you get married for that as well as other reasons perhaps , and then you have children and you hardly see them really for the next ten years , at least this is what every one sort of understands and then and then erm and then when you have more time again you can fall in love all over again with exactly the same person , I think this happens to lots of people , which also does n't happen to a lot of people so you have n't
21 Maybe that 'll bring them back on the next plane . ’
22 If you want to pick up some more , ring me back in the next twenty minutes .
23 ‘ You let me out at the next corner .
24 Francis has aggravated an old groin problem in training , and said : ‘ You can count me out for the next two weeks . ’
25 My experience also spans the full spectrum of aircraft maintenance within the RAF from turning them around for the next flight at the sharp end , through the deeper repair at station level to the major repair at remote sites .
26 If there was no work there , the tramping artisan was fed , given a bed for the night and a few pence to see him on to the next town on the official tramping route .
27 I remember on one occasion the four of us went down to Glastonbury Fair where he sang , but due to a balls-up over the sound and the electricity , they did n't put him on until the next day and that was at about 5.00 in the morning when the sun came through .
28 Swing , he screamed at himself as his arms crashed into the pine , not holding , but the weight of his body already carrying him on in the next arc of his trajectory .
29 Then they pushed her , from one man to another , making her stumble as each man greedily explored her body before shoving her on to the next man .
30 If she could not get out the train would carry her on to the next station , to London Bridge , it would carry her on under the river .
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